Page 70 of Forbidden

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Scar and I both shift our stance, and I know we’re thinking the same thing. It’s my six-foot-four, Viking of a partner who states the obvious. “Hamiltown might be that kind of place, but with all the shit we’ve been through, Hugh’s property is not.”

“Was anything missing?” I step from the kitchen into the living room, where nothing appears to be disturbed.

“So far I haven’t detected anything missing.” Norris scurries around topping off everyone’s coffee cups. “I’d like to think it’s just mischievous teenagers, bored on a Saturday night. Perhaps they were drinking alcohol or smoking marijuana. They’re all doing that now.”

Scar’s brow lowers, and I know he’s not about to let it go. My phone buzzes, and I take it from my pocket. When I see the message on the screen, my stomach tightens. It’s Reanna.

Sorry to leave. Hope I can explain soon.

I wait for more, but nothing comes. I’m not sure what to make of this message, and after the last few days, I don’t like this change, this withdrawal.

“Doc Martens are preferred mostly by young people, but adults also wear them. They were a smaller size, but the brand has unisex sizing, which again, points to a teen. Or a female.” Scar’s still going on about whoever broke in, so I slide the device back into my pocket and try to focus on what he’s saying.

When I look up, he’s watching me. “You good?”

Forcing my face to relax, I nod. “Yeah, it’s all good.” It’s not, but I can put my concerns on hold.

“Oh, Mr. Dirk,” Norris suddenly joins the conversation. “Weren’t you supposed to have a guest for the weekend? Shall I make more coffee? Breakfast?”

“Ah, no, that’s okay, not necessary.” I slide my hand over the tension in my stomach. “She had to head on back, so it’s just me.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.” The older man gives me a sympathetic face.

“Yeah, me too.” Scar gives me a knowing grin. “I was looking forward to meeting this mystery lady.”

“No mystery. Just bad timing.” Even I’m not convinced by my tone.

Reanna is surrounded by mystery.

“Well, if you won’t be needing me,” Norris straightens, tipping his chin, “I have to prep the house for Mr. Hugh’s return.”

We assure him we’re fine, then head out the back door.

“They waited until everyone was gone, which means they’re watching us.” Scar has become hypervigilant since Hana became pregnant. I know it’s rooted in his past, but I think he might be overreacting this time.

“I’ve been over here every day working with the horses. It was probably kids playing a prank, maybe truth or dare.”

“Check it out.” He gets down on one knee, pressing his fingers to the tracks left in the soft ground. “They ran straight to the woods, like they knew where they were going.”

More indication to me it’s local kids. Everyone is familiar with the woods around this area—either to meet up for keggers or to make out or just to make mischief. I know he won’t sleep until he has the answer, so I half-heartedly play along, my mind an hour up the road in Thornton.

While Scar takes off into the woods, I take out my phone, studying the screen. I could tell something was troubling her last night. My mind drifts to my question,What are we doing?

Did things get too close? I told her I could help her.

Chasing has never been my style, and I’m not a high-pressure guy. As much as I hate it, the right thing would be to give her space.

The day passes slowly with no text, no word. I humor Scar in his search for clues. The intruder took off on foot and ran through the woods, where he or she took a break to change clothes or retrieve a bag. The array of leaves tells him they searched for something here.

It’s pretty amazing the way he can piece such things together from sticks and leaves, scuff marks on the lichens growing on exposed tree roots. I can find just about anything or anyone on the web, dark and light, but Scar’s part bloodhound.

Hutch always bragged about his abilities when they were in the military together in eastern Europe. My brother was a Marine, and Scar was his assigned translator and scout. He never said it, but when Scar showed up in our office wanting to join our team, it was the best day of my brother’s life, until Blake entered the picture.

The sun is lowering when Hutch, Blake, and Hana arrive, and they come straight to Hugh’s. Scar filled him in on what we’ve been able to uncover so far.

“I think we might be overreacting,” I suggest gently.

Hana waddles up to her broody husband, and he relaxes for the first time all day. “I can’t even remember the last time I drove that golf cart,” she says. “Where did I leave it?”

Tags: Tia Louise Romance