Page 13 of Fake Athlete

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My stomach rolls over violently, and I rush to the bathroom. After I heave out my anxiety, I decide I may as well get ready for the day and call Lorelei for a quick, sisterly pep talk. She tells me how awesome my line is, and that I’m going to be internationally famous after today. While it’s great to hear, it doesn’t fully calm my nerves, and my stomach acts up again. I have to tell her to hang on and mute the call while I puke.

“These nerves about the show have been tearing my stomach up,” I admit. “I’ve been throwing up all week.”

She’s silent for a long time and finally laughs. “Cara, you’ve never once gotten sick from nerves before.” When I don’t answer, she presses. “Think about it, silly.”

My mind goes very still, and I try to think. I’ve been so busy, I barely noticed I might be late. I tell her I’ll call her back and race down to the nearest bodega. When I get back to the suite, Hudson is awake and looks at me anxiously.

“Is everything okay? Where did you go so early?”

I hide the test behind my back and give him a peck before shutting myself up in the bathroom. “Everything’s fine,” I call through the door. “Just give me a second.”

I can’t bear to get his hopes up if it really is just nerves. He’s been wanting kids for years, but I wanted to meet my goal of showing at Fashion Week before we started trying. As patient and loving as he is, I know he can’t wait to get started on a family, especially now that he’s about to retire.

I stare at the test, willing it to hurry up when he comes into the bathroom. His eyes widen when he sees what I’m holding, and he wordlessly sits on the edge of the tub. When I see the second line appear, instead of feeling the wash of fear I thought I would, all I feel is utter peace and happiness. I pull Hudson up and fling my arms around him.

“Yes?” he asks, holding me tight.

The hope in his voice seals my joy. “Yes,” I tell him.

He picks me up and carries me back to the bed, kissing me the whole way. “I’m so happy,” he tells me, kissing down my throat and unbuttoning my blouse.

“Me, too,” I say, glancing at the clock. “I wish we could stop time and celebrate, but you need to pick up my parents from the airport, and I have to get to the tents to make sure—”

I stop talking because he’s made his way down between my thighs. He nudges me through my clothes as he eases the zipper of my pants down, pulling them all the way off a moment later.

“Maybe a quick celebration,” I say.

He nods, already focused on bringing me to climax in the allotted time. It’s become a little bit of a game for us, since we’re often limited for time, and we’ve learned how to be completely in sync. He’s never once let me down in our ten years together. He pauses to look at me adoringly, and I reach to run my fingers through his hair.

“I love us so much,” I say, shivering as he kisses behind my knees.

He keeps moving upward, tantalizing my thighs with his lips, pausing again with his face just inches from where I want him. He’s teasing me now, and I tug on his hair even as I grin. His wicked smile turns serious.

“Have I told you how proud I am of you?” he asks. “I always knew you’d make it to Fashion Week. I only hope I didn’t hold you back so you could have done it sooner.”

My eyes fill with tears, and I shake my head so hard, my hair whips across my cheek. “Never,” I assure him. “You’re my inspiration. You’re my everything.”

Instead of lowering his head between my legs, he raises up to kiss me on the mouth. “And now we’re going to have a baby,” he whispers, almost as if he can’t believe it. “Every time I think I’m the happiest I’ll ever be, you surprise me.”

I smile and press him back down. “It’s a surprise to me, too. But a good one. You know we really can’t stop time though, right?”

He scowls at the bedside clock and nips my lower lip, then grins and eagerly kisses his way back down. He’s a pro at everything, always excelling at whatever he does. Especially this.

I’m soon gasping under his skilled tongue and right on the brink when he slides his cock inside me, filling me with his thick length. I moan and drag my fingers down his back while he sucks my nipple into this mouth. I breathe him in and relax into his smooth thrusts, ready to topple over the edge, but I want to take him with me. I want to make this moment last forever. Soon we’ll be a family, and I don’t know how it’s possible that our dreams keep coming true.

His magic fingers circle my clit as I tighten around him, and he pushes deep inside me. We lock eyes and come at the same time, him with a growl and me with a cry. We end up laughing in each other’s arms, experts at each other.

“Are you really happy?” I ask, snuggling up to him for a few more stolen moments.

“Are you kidding me?” he asks in return. “I don’t think my heart can take it.”

“And you’re sure about retiring? Will coaching be enough for you?”

He pulls me closer and nods against the top of my head. “I’ve been taking hits for too long already. I need to keep my body in one piece, especially now.” He pats my belly, and I can tell without looking at him that he’s got a contented smile on his face.

He pulls away to reveal I’m right and kisses me on the nose. “Time to get up and show the world your creations, baby.” He smiles even bigger and pats my stomach again. “God, I can’t wait.”

“Me neither,” I tell him.

Our lives will only continue to get better, and I can’t wait to see what comes next with Hudson, my first, last, and always.

~The End

Tags: Cassi Hart Romance