Page 13 of The Sweet Talker

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Lord, I had no idea how much I’ve been craving male attention, not until Brody. Not that I’m going to do anything about that. Brody’s deep laughter curls around me as Mabel goes down on her front paws, totally in play mode. My heart misses a beat, loving the scene playing out before me.

I lean against the counter, taking it all in. I’m not sure why I like seeing Brody in my place so much, or like the way he seems to fit so easily. Maybe because no man has ever entered my home, and it’s been lacking a male presence. Not to mention Miss Mabel’s instant comradery with him. She likes all people, but she’s certainly attaching herself to Brody in a big way. Animals can sense when someone truly loves them and from the way she’s going berserk, I’m guessing Brody—despite his reputation—really is one of the good guys. Mabel is a good judge of character like that.

For a brief, ridiculous moment, I let my thoughts drift. What would it be like if Brody really was my boyfriend, home for the holidays to be with me? Naturally he’d be staying with me, sleeping in my bed. While we don’t have to go that far, maybe he could stay here. He’d have his privacy all day long while I was at work, and he’d be great company for Mabel, not to mention he wants to help with her training. Then again, would he even want to stay? He’s home with his buddy. Maybe they want quiet bonding time or something.

Ask him.

“I’m wondering if…maybe you should hang out here, you know…spend the night or two. You were right when you pointed out that if we were a real couple, you’d be staying here.” I laugh, but it sounds nervous and unsure. “Won’t that give the townsfolk something to gossip about?”

Careful, Josie. Are you doing this for the ruse, or because you like being around this guy?

He pushes to his feet giving Mabel a head rub. “Get your dinner, girl.” Mabel trots off to her bowl, her tail still wagging. Brody’s head lifts and when those gorgeous blue eyes meet mine, I realize I’ve made a mistake. I shouldn’t have asked. I shouldn’t have brought it up. He’s temptation with a capital T, and I just can’t…

“Before we go any further, we need to talk about the rules of this relationship,” he says, a teasing glimmer in his eyes.

I fold my arms, not because I’m upset with his teasing, or that he might actually want more, but to hide the hardening of my nipples. “You mean the perks?”

His grin is wildly playful, and pure seduction. “Just so you know, if I do stay to help you with this ruse, that doesn’t mean I’m putting out.”



Five days until Christmas Eve:

* * *

Josie was right. I am a smart ass. I can only imagine what a therapist would say about that. But maybe it’s true. Maybe I do hide my deficiencies behind humor. The fact is, deep down I want—crave—what my buddies are finding. A wife, kids, the damn minivan and dog. I just don’t have what it takes to make a woman want to stay, and I don’t play with hearts, which is why I make it perfectly clear to all, right from the beginning, that I have a rotating bedroom door. Josie said she knew about my reputation, and that’s good. She should know who’s sleeping in her spare room.

As I lay in her bed—in her spare bedroom—I toss restlessly, the early morning sun rising on the horizon and casting shadows on the wall. A wave of peaceful contentment moves through me. Perhaps it has something to do with her comfortable bed. I don’t want to move. When was the last time I felt like this? I’m not sure, and I’m not sure what it is about her place that feels like home, despite the fact that it’s sparsely decorated, and she doesn’t even have a tree up. I plan to rectify that.

I actually can’t believe she asked me to stay. I wasn’t joking when I said it would look odd if I slept at Declan’s place and not my ‘girlfriend’s.’ She found herself in a sticky situation trying not to hurt someone’s feelings and while that’s commendable—she’s sweeter than the chocolate she makes—the two of us are now forced to spend time together. While I don’t have a problem with that, I can’t help but think honesty is the best policy.

Then why didn’t you tell her you have her phone?

I already know the answer to that, and I want to hang out with her. Maybe that has more to do with the fact that I like being around her than in needing a damn dinner date. I’ve never really felt such a fast connection with a woman, not that I think this is going anywhere. I leave after the holidays and she’s not the man-hater I thought she was. In fact, she’s far too sweet for me.

Maybe she’s not the kind of woman who would leave?

Who am I kidding? I eventually

screw everything up, which means the two of us can only be friends and I need to stop cracking sexual jokes. The sound of Mabel’s bone-shaped nametag jingling on her collar reaches my ears, and I kick my blankets off, ready to take her out for a morning run, when down the hall a door opens and closes.

I tug on my jeans and sweater to investigate, and check my phone for messages. I texted Declan last night to let him know I’d be staying at Josie’s, and of course, he took it the wrong way, thinking I’m sleeping with the woman who wanted to neuter me earlier in the day. But why wouldn’t he think that? It’s my M.O. and everyone knows it. I didn’t bother correcting him, but I do wonder how he made out with Nikki. He’s always so secretive about her.

The sound of children playing in the distance fills the silence of Josie’s loft, and I pad to the window to see a big snow hill covered with kids squealing and laughing as they slide down. I spot Josie walking Mabel, and the kids running up to her to pat the big puppy. Mabel jumps all over them, and while that’s cute now, when she’s a full-grown dog, it can pose a danger. No worries, I know how to work with her.

I make my way to the kitchen, glancing around her loft. Why doesn’t she have any personal pictures on her walls? There are art pieces, but no family photos, nothing to say she comes from a loving home. In the kitchen, I pour a cup of coffee, thankful that she’d made a carafe as I root through the fridge. I find all the ingredients to make breakfast, but first, a shower.

I take my time lathering up, since Josie isn’t back yet, and once I’m clean, I dress, and head back to the kitchen to get straight to work. After I put the bacon in the pan, I grab my phone and do a search, a plan forming in the back of my brain. When I find what I want, I tuck my phone away and I’m just putting the toast down, wondering what’s taking her so long, when the door opens and in walks Josie, her cheeks a pretty shade of pink from the cold. My heart squeezes. God, she’s adorable.

Why again is it she can’t be mine?

Right, right, I mess everything up.

“What are you doing?” she asks, as Mabel comes barreling at me like a damn bowling ball. “Hey girl, sit,” I say, and put pressure on her hind end to get her to sit. She listens, and I drop down to give her praise as Josie stands there watching. I glance up at her.

“In Boston, we call this breakfast,” I tease.

Tags: Cathryn Fox Players on Ice Romance