Page 23 of The Rookie

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“There’s no one else in your family who might want to run it?”

“My aunt and uncle on my Mom’s side live in the city, and they both have government jobs. Their son, my cousin, is a total asshole who’d likely burn the farm down. Do you remember him?”

She looks up in thought. “I don’t think so.”

I shrug and squirt mustard onto the bread. “Yeah, why would you remember him? He’s not from around here. He lives in the city, and doesn’t visit for very long. Except for that one time… Speaking of the city, have you heard anything about the jobs yet?”

“No, not yet. Maybe they don’t want me.”

“It’s their loss. Do they have any idea how creative and talented you are, and that you have great management skills?”

“You think so?” she asks, but she clearly already knows she does.

She layers the bread with meat, and adds on slices of cheese, and my stomach rumbles. She grins at me. “Should I make a couple more?”

I nod and she laughs, and I pull out more bread. We make the sandwiches, and she puts them in a cooler bag before putting it in her backpack. She tosses in some apples and water.

I tug on a ball cap, and she ties her hair back. “We need to lotion up. We don’t want to burn.”

“If we did, I bet you’d be prepared.”

She gives me a sheepish grin as she tosses a bottle of lotion my way. “I may or may not have some aloe vera, and you should put on your swimsuit.” She tugs her T-shirt away from her shoulder and exposes her bathing suit strap. “The water’s cold, but we’re picnicking on the beach so you might want to jump in if we get too hot.”

Hell, the second I see her in that suit, I’ll be jumping in. “Yeah, okay,” I murmur and tug off my shirt to coat my body in lotion. Charlie stands there for one long second, staring at me. I clear my throat and her head lifts. She blinks rapidly as I grin at her, letting her know I’m well aware that she was just checking me out. She snatches the lotion and puts a generous amount on her arm. She turns from me, and takes off her T-shirt and her body does some strange contortionist move as she tries to lotion her back.

Biting back a grin, and working to keep my cock in lockdown, I take the lotion from her, and put my mouth close to her ear. She goes perfectly still, and telltale goosebumps break out on her neck, when I whisper, “Here, let me do that for you.”



The second his big, powerful hand lands on my back, touching me carefully, my entire body reacts, and I’m pretty sure he’s well aware, and liking what his touch does to me.

I’d have no trouble finding you in that bed.

The back of my suit exposes most of my back, so he bends to get all my exposed skin and as his warm breath falls over me, those enticing words ring loud and clear in my brain. His hand moves up to rub my shoulders, a gentle massage that brings on a moan.

“You’re tight, Charlie.”

Oh gawd…

He presses into my muscles. “When was the last time you had a vacation?”

“Can’t remember,” I murmur, my voice low, almost drowsy…most definitely aroused.

He finishes, and his hands fall to his sides. “Would you mind doing me?”

Nope, wouldn’t mind doing you at all, Wes.

As my thoughts wander, he presses the bottle into my hand, and I shake my head to clear it. Right, he means do his back. But maybe he doesn’t. Maybe he’s saying things that can be taken as sexual because it’s what he wants. Cripes knows it’s what I want too. Maybe he’s simply feeling me out.

I turn and pour the lotion into my palm. I warm it and beginning with his broad shoulders, I work my way to the small of his back. His muscles ripple beneath my touch and I’m about two seconds from reaching around him, unbuttoning his pants, and checking out his equipment when a shuffling sound outside the dome reaches my ears.

“The mess is all cleaned up, Charlie,” George says. “If you need anything else, just holler.”

I step back, snatch up my T-shirt and pull it on. “Thanks, George. We’re just lotioning up before we head out to the shore.” Good Lord, why do I feel the need to explain that to George. Oh, probably because I weirdly feel like I got caught doing something naughty…dirty.

“You all have a good time, now. Don’t be a stranger this weekend.” He shuffles off, and I glance at Wes, take in those caramel eyes that any girl would get lost in.

Tags: Cathryn Fox Players on Ice Romance