Page 20 of The Rookie

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“George is out there now, trying to fix it, but it will take a bit before we can get a new mattress. Something nested in it, but you have the two other tents for your guests, and you can always stay with us, you know that?”

I nod. Her offer is a nice one, but I don’t like to intrude or be too far from my guests. This whole experience is about catering to them, and showing them around the island. Repeat business and reviews are important.

“I’ll head out and check it out,” I say. I find Wes frowning at me when I turn.

“Something got into your mattress?” he asks, completely confused and why wouldn’t he be? He thinks we’re sleeping on the ground in a tent, but this is so much better than that.

I click the fob on the Jeep, and we toss our stuff in the back. I glance at Wes. “Sorry for all her fussing. You’re always so nice about it, though.”

“I’d be nothing without my fans, so I don’t mind.” He shrugs. “I don’t love being the center of attention in a big crowd or anything but one-on-one is okay. Speaking of one-on-one, are you still up for playing?”

I grin, not sure he’s talking about hockey, as I pull onto the road, and a few minutes later I take the gravel path to the shore, where I worked really hard putting together a glamping site.

“Ohmigod,” Jules squeals as the three dome tents come into view. “We’re glamping.”

“What the hell is glamping?” Wes asks.

I grin at him. “Glamorous camping.” I stop the vehicle and wave. “Your dome awaits you.”

Jules shrieks. “We really are in igloos.”

I laugh. “Sort of.”

I turn to Wes. “You might want to close your mouth. You don’t want to catch a fly, not when I have a steak dinner planned for tonight.”

“You…you did all this?”

“I might work the boats and the retail store, but I know things.”

The shock and admiration on his face make me laugh when he says, “Yeah, you do.”

“Do you like it?”

“What’s not to like, Charlie? This is fantastic.”

I point to Wes. “You’re in dome one, and you two are in number two. Go check them out. Take your time, relax. There’s food in the fridges. Eat, or have a nap if you want. This is all about relaxing and unwinding. I have a picnic planned, but nothing is in stone, and this is all about what you guys want to do.” Wes shakes his head as he exits the vehicle, and as they run off to inspect their domes, I go find George in dome number three—my personal space.

I poke my head in. “Hey there,” I say, a knot in my stomach when I take in the mess of foam some animal ripped from the mattress to make a cozy nest. I step inside when George turns to me. “How did it get in?”

“A tear in the canvas.” He points upward. “I patched it up. It’ll keep the elements out, but I’m afraid you won’t have a bed to sleep on.”

“Thanks so much George. I really appreciate it.”

He grins. “That’s what you pay me for.”

“How long until we can get a mattress?” I ask.

George shakes his head. “About a week, until then you can sleep—”

“With me.”



Charlie turns so fast, she almost trips over her boots, loses her balance and face plants. What, was it something I said?

“No, no nooooo,” she says quickly, her long curls bouncing as she shakes her head. “You’re here on a paid vacation, and I’m not going to crash in your dome and ruin it for you.”

Tags: Cathryn Fox Players on Ice Romance