Page 35 of The Wingman

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As I struggle to ignore that hot spear of jealousy slicing through my chest, the car pulls up to the curb and I check in with the driver before climbing into the back seat with Lindsay.

“How are your new cups coming along?” I ask, wanting to get the subject on to her pottery and off hockey, off Rider.

Her eyes light and I love that she’s found her passion in pottery. I listen intently, or at least I try to as she talks about her new designs. She’d visited Rome last year and it inspired her to do her own designs depicting all the landmarks she fell in love with.

“Has Kane picked out a piece for his mother?”

“He’s going to do that when he gets back.”

“When is he back?” I ask, not wanting to show too much interest.

“Tomorrow,” she says, and smooths her hair back. “So you’re not upset that Rider is out with another girl?” she asks.

I give a fast shake of my head. “Of course not.”

“Okay, just checking,” she says, and we fall silent as the driver takes us home. We arrive and I step to the curb.

“I’d invite you in, but I need to get a good night’s sleep for work tomorrow,” I say, all the while thinking about that tub of ice cream in my freezer.

“No worries. I’m beat too.” She’s about to leave, but stops. “When they’re back, do you want to go on a double date?”

“Uh, well. Rider and I aren’t dating, but we could go out for dinner or something. If he wants to, that is.”

“Okay, I’ll talk to Kane, and you talk to Rider and let me know. By the way, Kane’s birthday is coming up and when we were at Nelly’s last week, Rider asked me if I’d help him out with the surprise. He wants to get the guys all together, and I think he’s having it at his place.”

“That sounds like fun.” I say. Nope, not going to feel all silly inside that he didn’t ask me to help—or invite me to attend. That would be a mistake. We don’t want his friends to get the wrong idea. I wave her off and make my way inside, but the second I enter my condo, memories of last week, the way Rider scooped me up in the kitchen and took me in the bedroom, fill my thoughts.

“Hey Peaches,” I say when she sidles up to me, rubbing against my leg. “I missed you too.”

I step further into my place, flicking lights on and turning the radio up in the kitchen. As the music blares, it soothes me, and I toss my purse onto the table. My phone pings, and I ignore it for a second, assuming it’s Lindsay letting me know she’s home safe. She’s just around the corner, but we look out for one another, and we have an agreement that we let the other know when we’ve locked ourselves in for the night.

I refill Peaches’ drink bowl, and fish my phone from my purse. When I do, the stupid invisible band around my chest loosens.

Rider: Did you catch tonight’s game?

Jules: It happened to be on the TV at Nelly’s.

Rider: Sorry you had to suffer through it.

Jules: You okay?

Rider: Yeah why?

Jules: I saw you get hit.

I stare at my phone, watch the three dots for a long time. Whatever he’s writing, it must be long. A wave of uneasiness weaves its way through my bones. He was hit rather hard, and Lindsay did say he had a concussion last year. Maybe he’s not okay.

Rider: I’m good.

Whatever he was going to say, he must have changed his mind, which leaves me a little unconvinced that he’s good.

Jules: You sure?

Rider: Yeah, why? Worried about me?

Jules: I worry about all my friends. You’re not feeling dizzy, are you? Headache?

Rider: I don’t have a concussion, if that’s what you’re wondering.

Tags: Cathryn Fox Players on Ice Romance