Page 2 of The Wingman

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And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how to be a good wingman. Not that Kane really needs one, but we have fun playing the game.

Since my job here is done, I plop back down onto my stool and let Kane work his magic. I hang for a bit until Kane pulls his car keys from his pocket and

hands them to me.

“Get my car home, bro. We’re taking an Uber.”

“You got it,” I say and finish my soda. I grin at my buddy. “Have fun.”

“Take your own advice, why don’t you.” He stares at me for a moment, like he’s truly concerned about my well-being, and I wave my hand to shove him off. He opens his mouth and I snort, turning from him to let him know it’s not a conversation we’re having. Once he steps away, I angle my head and watch them walk from the bar. When he disappears outside, I pull my phone from my pocket and check the hour. Damn, I put that hook-up together in record time. I’m getting better and better at this shit, and if I hurry, I might be able to catch up on two episodes before I crash.

I grab my glass, about to take my last sip of cola before I head out, when the sound of hands clapping reach my ears. I turn to find a girl nodding and applauding me.

I grin at her. “You liked that, did you?” I ask, as I take in her clear skin, sharp brown eyes that are twinkling with amusement, and dark hair tied back in a ponytail. My gaze drops to her loose-fitting scrubs.

“Yeah, well played. Does your charm only work on girls, or does it work on guys too?”

I arch a brow and cock my head as my gaze moves over her make-up free face. Not that she needs paint. She has that whole girl-next-door thing going on and it really works for her. “You don’t strike me as the kind of girl looking for a hook-up.”

She gives a very unladylike snort as I finish my last gulp of soda. “What?” She tugs on her hair. “Is it the ponytail, or the fact that I’m not showing my tits?”

Her retort catches me off guard and I nearly choke on my drink as my gaze drops to her chest. “Uh, yeah,” I say, instantly liking her. The truth is, women approach me all the time, and while I seem to have an instant rapport with this one, and there’s an undeniable spark between us, she didn’t come over here to get me between her sheets and no way is she really looking for me to be her wingman. So, what does she want?

She laughs at that. “At least you’re honest.” Dark eyes full of curiosity and playfulness narrow in on me, but behind those dark lashes I sense her cautiousness. “What else gave me away?”

“You’re dressed in scrubs.”

She shrugs. “I’m a nurse at Seattle General. I came here straight from work to meet a friend for drinks.”

“You have freckles,” I say, that observation coming out of nowhere and catching her off guard.

She crinkles her nose. “Yeah, I know. They’re awful.”

“I never said they were awful.”

She rolls her eyes like she doesn’t believe me. “Well, you have a dimple.”

I poke my finger into my right cheek. “Wait, you say that like it’s a bad thing?”

She sighs. “It’s not.”

I lean toward her conspiratorially. “I’m a nice guy, and because I am, I’m going to give you a warning. If you look at it too long, you’ll be forever charmed.”

“Oh, my God. Are you for real?”

“Sadly yes,” I say, and she laughs with me. I glance around. “Where’s this friend you’re having drinks with? Is she going to hate me for keeping you captive with my dimple?”

“Ah, nope.” She casts a sad glance at the door. “She kind of left with your friend.”

Oh shit. “Ah, sorry about that.”

“Yeah, that was Lindsay. My best friend.”

“And now I’m responsible for you drinking by yourself?”

“I’m done drinking. I have a shift tomorrow.” She glances around. “She’s safe with your friend, right?”

“Absolutely. Kane is one of the good guys.”

Tags: Cathryn Fox Players on Ice Romance