Page 4 of The Playmaker

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“It says, sure what’s up?” Jess’s fingers dance over the screen as she responds for me.

“What are you saying?” I ask, panic welling up inside me. “So help me, if you’re telling him I need to get laid…”

The phone pings again and she holds it out for me to read.

“I asked—I mean you asked if you could stop by his place, and he said sure.”

“I don’t know whether to kiss you or choke you,” I say.

Jess laughs. “I think you’ll be thanking me.” She stands. “Come on.”

We make our way outside, and the rain has slowed to a light mist as I follow her down the street to her parked car. I hop in and question my sanity. Am I really going to ask Cocky Cannon to teach me the game?

Jess starts the car and the locks click as she pulls into traffic. Guess so.

“You remember where he lives?” I ask. I think back to when he bought the house. He had a big party to celebrate. I was invited but didn’t go. Why would I? Watching the hockey players with their bunnies was not my idea of a good time.

“Of course.” She jacks the tunes and sings along off-key as she drives. Twenty minutes later, she pulls up in front of his mansion. It’s a ridiculously big house for one person. I stare at it, and once again question my sanity.

“Go,” Jess says.

“I’m going,” I shoot back. I open the door, and smooth my hand over my mess of curls. Why the hell did I do that? It’s not like I’m trying to make myself presentable or impress him. We don’t even like each other.

I force my legs to carry me to his door, and I’m about to knock when it opens. My breath catches as I take in Cole, standing before me shirtless and barefoot, dressed only in a pair of faded jeans that hug him so nicely.

God, he is so freaking hot—and I never, ever should have come here.

As we stare at each other, like we’re in some goddamn Mexican standoff, I can’t stop thinking about his ‘cannon’. My gaze drops to the lovely bulge between his legs, and a moan I have no control over catches in my throat as Jess’s words come back to haunt me.

You two should hate fuck.

Thank you, Jess, for planting that idea in my brain. Christ, I should have choked her when I had the chance.



I can’t believe sweet little Nina Callaghan is standing on my doorstep staring at my package. She’s fucking checking me out—like it’s her job. Should I call her on that?

Nah that would probably just scare her off, then I’d never find out what she wanted from me. I have to say, I am curious. She hasn’t talked to me in a long time, and I’m a little surprised she even knew my number. We don’t like each other much, but I’m man enough to admit that I like having her eyes on me. Still, she can’t think for one minute that she’s going to get an eyeful and I’m not.

My gaze races over her, and I take in her long damp hair, a raincoat that hides her sensual body—I’d never forget her barely there curves—and a pair of jeans that are rolled up at the ankle. Her slim frame might be well hidden, but her sandals showcase sexy toes and pink-painted nails that tease and torment my thickening cock.

Hate each other or not, she’s as hot today as she was all those years ago. But she’s still my best friend’s kid sister, and that makes her completely hands-off.

“What’s up?” I ask, and her big blue eyes dart to mine. I can’t help but grin, a telltale way of letting her know she’s busted, and that I don’t mind at all. Hell, she can stare all she likes, as long as I get to do the same.

“I…uh…” She swallows and glances over her shoulder. I follow her gaze to see her friend Jess in the car, waving at us from the driver’s seat. I remember Jess. She was always hanging around Cason’s place when we were kids. I wave back to her, and Nina refocuses on me. She angles her head and clears her throat. “How are you feeling?”

“Is that why you’re here?” I ask. “Worried about me?”

“No,” she blurts out quickly. “I mean yes…I mean…I just…”

She’s definitely uncomfortable, and I’m not sure why. I practically lived at her house growing up. People used to think I was her brother, although my thoughts toward her were anything but brotherly, especially when I teased her and she got so spitting mad in response her cheeks would turn pink. My favorite color.

“What can I do for you, Nina?”

She bites on her bottom lip, and damn it, I like that, too. “I was going to ask…” Her breath comes out with a hint of frustration. She gives her head a little shake and takes a step back. “Maybe this was a mistake.”

Tags: Cathryn Fox Players on Ice Romance