Page 50 of Runaway Bride

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Ben handed her a small bouquet of flowers. She smiled and went to put them in water. When she returned she told her Aunt she wouldn't be late, and they left together, Ben's hand holding hers.

Ben's frown told her he was uncomfortable with this and she wanted to make him relax a little. Being uptight all night wouldn't make a nice evening.

"So where are we going?" she asked staring out the window of his pickup.

"There's a steak house in town where almost everyone goes on Saturday night, I thought we'd go there," he said checking his rear view mirror as he pulled onto the highway.

"We won't need reservations?" she asked curiously.

"No," he slanted her a quick glance. "This isn't Dallas, you know."

"Great, I'm starved," she tried to keep the conversation light, impersonal.

"Yeah, me too."

After a long silence she glanced at him, not ready for the reaction it gave her. Ben was so handsome, so unaware of his good looks. In fact he was quite a humble man when she thought of it. Always worrying about other people, never giving himself a second thought. She itched to tell him, but she bit her tongue. Keep it light, and impersonal.

But how did one go about concentrating on impersonal when they kept noticing things, kept feeling things they shouldn't?

"If your uncomfortable doing this, why bother?" she asked finally unable to control her words any longer.

He glanced over at her, and grabbed her hand, "Come over here," he directed her to his side of the seat.

She hesitated. It was one thing to go out with him, but how could she possibly keep things impersonal if they were so close.

"Hey, we are supposed to be interested in each other. We're on a date, aren't we?"

His smile turned to a frown again.

"Okay," she huffed, scooting beside him, and coming in instant contact with his leg. Heat radiated through her, she glanced down at his leg as though he'd bitten her. "I'm sorry, I'm not very good at this kind of thing."

"What kind of thing," he bit back.

"This kind of dating," she replied, wishing she wasn't so close she could smell the light fragrance of his aftershave.

"Me either." he admitted.

She looked at him and they both smiled.

Until he put his arm along the back edge of the seat, wrapping her in a warm cocoon.

She tensed, and it all came out wrong again, "So, why didn't you tell me you'd been married before?"

His glance slid over her hotly. "Who told you?"

"My aunt. Was it supposed to be a big secret?"

"Not at all. I just don't go around talking about it, that's all." He added.

"It's okay; I shouldn't have brought it up."

"No you shouldn't have. We're trying to have a nice night. And talking about my ex won't get the job done."

The job done? Was this a job to him? Was dating her that unbearable?

"I was just curious. Why you hadn't said anything. I mean, you know everything about me."

He shook his head, "Not true, Savannah. I know nothing much at all about you. Only that you ran from a wedding, with good reason. That you are a little rich girl, that doesn't belong here in Junction. That's what I know."

Tags: Rita Hestand Romance