Page 47 of Stay With Me

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"It is good, we all get along well." Willa told her.

"Have you met any other neighbors?"

"One, his name was Ed, he lives a bit closer."

"Oh yeah, Ed. He's not a very nice man. I'd be wary of him."

"I already am."

"Good. Stay that way around him."

"He's threatened to burn Charlie and Clay out." Willa told her.

"Why that old buzzard! Why would he say such a thing?"

"Charlie says he wants the land, but I think it's all because of me. You see the Indians attacked Charlies place when we arrived. They had followed, wanting to take Elan from me. Charlie, Clay and my father defended the place and they finally left, but Ed knew about it. He swore I'd bring trouble." Willa told her, hanging her head.

"Charlie's right, Willa. Charlie has that creek beside his place, Ed wants it, although Charlie never refused to allow anyone water. Ed would if he got a hold of that property."

"You know more about it than I do, I just don't like the man. He scares me." Willa told her.

"You got a gun?"

"No, ma'am."

"A knife?"

"No, why?"

"You need one. Ed is the kind that would come onto their property and take you if he could."

"He's already tried once."

"Good Lord, girl. What happened?"

"Clay heard him and came on the run. He ran him off at least for a while, but I have a feeling he'll be back." Willa stared into her blue eyes. "I'm not sure I could use a weapon on someone."

"Now you listen here, he'll rape you if he gets the chance. You need protection. You wait here a minute," she put Elan down on the floor where Willa spread the blanket and went into another room. Moments later she came back and hande

d her a small derringer. "You take this and use it if you have to. I mean it. Don't you let him take you young lady? You fight back. And if you have to kill him, so be it, no loss to this old world. You're a young mother and this baby needs you. You use it."

Willa took the gun and looked at it.

"It's loaded so be careful. You have to be up close, but it will do the job, and don't hesitate."

"But he's their neighbor." Willa protested.

"Don't mean you have to let him touch you girl. You shoot him dead."

"They would hang me!"

"No, they won't. You've told me about this today, and if anything happens. I'll be there for you to testify. You have every right to defend yourself. He came here once, after my husband died, I guess thinking he could romance me off this place. It didn't work, and I almost used that on him then. He wanted my place too."

Willa stared at her then broke into a smile, "You are a very strong woman."

"How do you think I survive out here. You can't be weak and live in these parts." She told her.

"I will take your advice then." Willa acknowledged.

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance