Page 41 of Stay With Me

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"No, the purpose is to get away from you and temptation. You stay and work on the room for us."

He smiled and kissed her on the nose, "I guess that makes sense, but you know the saying."

"What saying?"

"Absence makes the heart grow fonder."

She looked at him, kissed his jaw and smiled, "By the time we marry, we will need my bed and lots of privacy. I will share that time with no one but you and my son to nurse him."

"I think that can be arranged." He smiled.

"How?" she asked with a smile.

"Dad can watch Elan for us."

"That is true. Oh Clay, I cannot wait to be yours." She smiled at him, her eyes shining into his. "Do you think your father will approve?"

"I’m sure of that." He smiled and kissed the tip of her nose.

"I have never been in love like this, to want someone so much, so often."

"That goes double for me, darlin'." He kissed her hard on the lips and it heated them to a point where they both had to back away. His tongue had slid softly into her mouth and mated with hers, their bodies thrust hard against each other. "If it weren't for these clothes we'd be together now."

"I love you," she whispered as she pulled away with reluctance and took Elan to bed with her.

He winked and went to bed.

It was like a dream come true. She knew she could never hide the love she had for this man. To love her was one thing, but to love her son, stole her heart and melted all the fears she had.

Chapter Twelve

The next morning, Willa was preparing breakfast when Clay walked up to her and kissed her on the back of her neck. Goosebumps went all over her and she turned and kissed him on the lips. It was only meant to be a peck, but she was hungry for his kisses, and couldn't control her wayward response. "Good morning." She murmured in his ear.

She smiled and pushed him away. "Behave," she told him playfully.

Charlie came into the kitchen moments later with Elan on his hip.

"Smells good, what's for breakfast?" he asked her.

"Bacon, eggs, and gravy. I even have some fresh tomatoes from the garden." She told him.

"Already?" Charlie quipped.

"Yes, we have several and cucumbers too. The beans will be ready in a couple of weeks." She told him with pleasure. "I planted lots of good things you will be so pleased when you see all of it coming up. There is squash, and peas and lettuce and watermelon, and mush melons and so many good things. The dirt here is very good to grow things. I gave the doc some, and I will give him more when our garden blooms."

"I guess I wasn't much of a gardener," Charlie told her.

"My mother taught me about gardens, we always had big gardens, especially when dad was around."

"Did you tend it every day." Charlie asked.

"It takes much work and love." She answered.

He coughed pretty hard and she glanced at him, "Did you take your medicine?"

"Yes, little mother, I did." He told her and sat down at the table beside Elan's highchair. "I want to be

around when this little tyke grows up, you know?"

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance