Page 48 of Guilty as Sin

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"You did what you had to."

"I can't excuse it that easily."

"That's because you are a good person Lissa. A bad person wouldn't think twice about doing it. Now let's have no more talk of this. You and Moon both did what you had to do. What's done is done and we cannot change it. I'm glad you came along Lissa." Jack smiled and patted her hand.

"Glad? Why?" she asked a bit shocked by his statement.

"You're good for Moon. He needs someone to care about him. He needs a wife, and to have children and so do you."

"Oh, but Jackā€¦ "

"I know, he's an Indian and your white and it seems a bit impossible, doesn't it?"

"Yes, besides, I'm not sure how Moon feels about me, he hasn't said anything really. Well, not verbally anyway."

"Give him time, he's slow on the draw when it comes to women. But I see what's in his eyes, girl."

"What do you see?"

"Your both in love with each other, but you both have too much sense to jump into something like that without thinking it over a few times. Time will settle it, I'm sure of it."

Moon came in with two wild turkeys.

She went to help him. She picked one up and she went to the door, "I'll just go pluck this one for you Jack." She told him.

He smiled and winked, "Thanks."

Moon looked at Jack. "What was that all about?"

"Nothing, we just been getting to know each other a little is all. I like her Moon. She's got sand."

"Yeah, you've said that before." Moon chuckled. Moon had donned some pants and a shirt like Jack now and tied his long hair back. He looked different. He looked more approachable than ever now.

Jack took the other turkey and joined Lissa.

Her clothes were very big on her now, and Jack looked at her. "We need to get you some clothes that fit."

Lissa looked at herself. "I guess I do look pretty rough."

"I'll go into town and pick you some clothes up." Jack told her. "You write down what sizes you need."

She nodded. "I'll pay you back as soon as I can."

"No, you won't. I ain't had a pretty girl like you around in a long time. If Moon don't marry you, I might have to." He chuckled.

She laughed.

Moon joined them. "What is so funny."

She blushed, "Nothing. Jack's just gonna bring me some decent clothes from town."

Moon seemed to think on that a moment. "That's a good idea, but instead of a pretty dress, get her some pants and shirts and maybe a flop hat. That won't bring attention that there is a woman out here to anyone in town and she can disguise herself as a man. Besides, if Jack walked into town and suddenly bought a ladies dress people would get a bit suspicious."

"That's good thinkin' boy. Yes sir, it is. Alright."

"So now I'm going to be a man, huh?"

Moon stared, "To everyone but Jack and I."

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance