Page 42 of Guilty as Sin

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"I hope you have some?" she tried to smile.

"I do, hon. Just wait. I'll get that washtub out there and you go on around the back there and I'll get it heated up for you and some tomatoes and have you fixed up in no time."

"I'd appreciate it. It's just my clothes, I don't have any clean clothes to put on."

"I'm Jack," he stuck out his hand and shook hers.

"Pleased to meet you Jack."

He went passed her to the little shed out back and brought back a washtub. He set it on the back porch and started boiling some water.

"It'll be ready directly. Now, I guess I better find you something to put on. You look more my size than Shining Moon, so I'll hand you some duds in a minute."

"Thanks, I'm sorry for this."

"Part of living honey, we both been in the same spot before, nothing to be ashamed about."

"Maybe but Moon sure got a good laugh about it."

He went to get her some clothes and a towel.

Moon stood watching her from a distance.

As the tub filled the men went back inside and left her to clean up.

She spent some time with the tomatoes and washed herself good, scrubbing hard so she turned almost red.

When she came in the men stood and looked at her.

"Something wrong?" she asked.

"N-no, no of course not. You sit yourself down young lady and I'll bring you some stew."

She still didn't smell good, but it was better, either that or she simply got used to it."

"Thanks. That sounds so good. I'm hungry."

She'd rolled the pants leg up some and she was having trouble keeping them on as Jack was thicker waisted. Moon got her a rope to tie them with. She let the shirt hang out as the pants were kind of baggy.

Jack set her some food down and as she ate, he chuckled. "Shining Moon's been telling me about your adventure, if you could call it that."

He brought a coffee pot too and poured them some coffee.

As they ate, Moon related the story of the murders and them running.

"So, your father's after you girl?"

"Yes, we're sure of that now." She admitted.

"You don't want to go back with him though?" Jack finished for her.

"No, he'd never believe the truth. And he might turn me into the Sheriff. I'm afraid I'd go to prison, for what I done. Not that I don't deserve it, but…"

"So, what's your side of this story?" Jack asked.

She put her spoon down and looked at Jack, he had a very kind looking face and he seemed genuinely interested in her story. "Well it started after a big storm. Moon killed Earl to protect me. He was sleeping in my barn because of the violent storm the night before. My so-called boyfriend was trying to molest me, and Moon came out of a stall. Neither of us knew he was there until he showed himself. They got in a fight and Moon stabbed him. He's dead. We ran before my father could discover Moon there. I'm sure he would have drawn the wrong conclusion... about my dress though. He'd have blamed Moon before I could explain what he was doing there."

"So, Moon, is that what you call him?" Jack stared at her.

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance