Page 3 of Guilty as Sin

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"My father, he'll come in here, see me standing over Earl and blame me. You did this! You can't just leave me with it."

"Yes, I attacked him because he was attacking you, and I fought him, and killed him. Because of you!" He told her. "Look at your clothes you were very close to being raped by this man."

Obviously, his words didn't penetrate.

"Who are you? Why are you here? Why do you speak such good English, aren't you an Indian?"

"Right now, that is unimportant."

She backed away from him.

He saw her and sent her a sexy smile, "You have nothing to fear from me. I will not harm you." His voice was lyrical.

"You’re an Indian, aren't you?"

"Yes, a peaceful one, most of the time." He remarked.

"Melissa, is that you in the barn?" her father called from outside.

"Yes father, I'll be done in a moment." She called.

"Better hurry, I'm hungry gal." he called and walked back to the house. "I gotta go to town this morning, so hurry up with the chores."

"Alright father. I'll be in shortly."

She swallowed hard. "Now what am I going to do?" Her eyes searched the barn, then looked straight at him.

Shining Moon sighed. "Help me drag him to the back of the barn, the last stall." He told her.

"What good will that do?"

"He won't discover him until I am long gone."

She helped him drag him to the stall then, Shining Moon started for the back door. But for some reason he shot her another glance.

"You can't leave me here, to face this!" she declared. "My father will assume I did this. Don't you understand English, he'll blame me!" Her voice rose to the point of hysteria.

"I cannot stay either!" he told her. "He would hang or shoot me! And he'd think I accosted you and he defended you. Which would be wrong."

He grabbed his bow and arrow and blanket and was halfway out the back door when she followed him. "Take me with you?"

Shining Moon had expected her to pitch a fit, cry hysterically, but not ask that. His mouth fell open and he stared at her.

"That I cannot do."

"Why?" she demanded. "You killed him, you got me in this mess, you have to get me out." She pleaded as though he should already know that.

"I'm an Indian, you cannot go with me. You could not keep up with me for one thing." He insisted, giving her a quick appraisal.

"I'm a woman, faced with a dead man in my barn, and a father who will beat me and probably send me to the Sheriff if he finds me alone with a dead body." She tried to keep her voice down, but he could tell she was forcing hysteria away.

"I'm sorry, Lady," he reached to stroke her face softly. "I've done all I can do for you." He smiled.

"No, I will follow you!"

"It would not be wise." He ignored her and hurried on his way, figuring even if she did follow, she wouldn't last long in the rugged terrain.

But she did follow, she grabbed two canteens and ran out the back door toward him. She had slung the canteens over her shoulder and was managing to keep up.

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance