Page 22 of Guilty as Sin

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"Yes," she glanced at him.

"Then that's where we will go."

He helped her up to the first limb and she began to climb. He followed right behind her. When she stopped, he pushed on her butt, "Further up," he whispered, when she turned to look down at him. She looked up and saw a good sturdy branch and moved to it.

She climbed higher. When she found a sturdy limb, she stopped. He came up even with her now and saw she was trembling. Tears in her eyes made him react. He pulled her close and held her against him as she shook.

"I haven't climbed in a l—"

Suddenly he kissed her. He only meant to shut her up, but the kiss took on a life of its own, and her response shocked him. It was a wild kiss that unleashed all the tension between them. His lips were so soft, so persuasive, that she moaned a little. Driven by sense of urgency, her heart pounded with expectations. His lips were warm and soft, and the world seemed to disappear for the moment. There was no thought of right or wrong, no judgement, only feelings were involved.

A strange and sensuous light passed between them now. His glance raked her, making her even more aware of their differences. He pulled away and glanced down at the two men below. They were standing not far from the tree.

He glanced back at her stunned look and smiled warmly, then put his fingers to her lips to be quiet. She nodded.

Her look was not angry, but perhaps shocked.

"I could have sworn I heard something. And lookie here, there was a fire." The shorter man said.

"They must have taken off when they heard my rifle shot." The other man said.

"You don't reckon you shot them do ya, instead of a deer?"

"Let's hope not." The other one chuckled.

Lissa started to whisper something, but Moon shook his head.

She nodded slowly.

"Guess we scared them off," the shorter man said.

"Well, no matter, I better go see if I got that deer or not." The other man told him. They left their gear on the ground near the embers of the fire.

"I hope so, I’m hungry. We could camp here, might be easier and we got a good view of the valley below."

"Alright, you gather some wood, and I'll check on the deer."

When the shorter man went to gather wood, Moon took his hand from her mouth.

"Now what?" she asked.

"We wait for our chance to leave."

She glanced down, "Why not now?"

"No, they are too close. We need to wait until they sleep."

"How are we going to get down without waking them?" She asked putting her hands on her hips.

"We're going to be very quiet!" he told her in a firm voice.

Then he looked at her once more. "Do I detect anger?"

"It's just that…Why'd you kiss me." She wasn't frowning, nor smiling, just obviously curious.

He frowned, "To shut you up."

"Maybe, but I know a kiss from shutting me up. You kissed me." She whispered. "It's alright. I was curious what it might be like too. Now we know."

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance