Page 14 of Guilty as Sin

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"You will fall and hurt yourself and then we cannot run. I will carry you. Take your boots off." He told her.

She took them off.

"These boots, they are my father's, they are too big for me. But when I work, slopping hogs and cleaning out the barn, I need them and wear them."

"Do your feet hurt now?"

"A little."

"I will fix them later. But you still may fumble and fall over things. They are much too big. When we quit running, I'll make you some leggings, and your feet won't hurt any longer."

"You can make them?"


"Thanks, that's very kind of you."

Finally, he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder and ran. She seemed light as a feather and except for her clothes, not a bother.

He must have run miles before he stopped. He set her down and she looked at him, from his dark head of hair with the beautiful feathers in it, to the muscular build of him, to his leggings. She had seen many Indians but why this one appealed she did not know. Perhaps because she was getting to know him.

She looked stunned. She didn't talk while he carried her, he ran so hard that she was afraid she's fall off his shoulder.

When he set her down, she pushed her hair out of the way and glanced at him.

"I cannot believe you could carry me for such a long way. You're hardly out of breath." He set her boots down for her to put on.

"I run a lot." He smiled. "And you are not heavy."

After a long silence she asked, "Was it really the storm that brought you to my barn? I mean Indians are used to being out in the weather, aren't they?"

"Some weather, yes. I do not lie to you Lissa. You cannot sleep out in the open during a storm, it is impossible. I know I have tried. The thunder is too loud and shakes the earth, the lightning is blinding. I had planned to leave before I was spotted. And I did not mean to listen to you and this Earl. But I could not silence my ears."

She thought about that for a moment and chuckled. "I suppose that makes good sense. But I'm curious. So, tell me, why did you let me come along, I know you must have changed your mind."

"You were a stranger, and I did not know of your plight. I did not think it wise for you to come with me at first. If we are caught what do you think they would think?" he stared at her for a moment, his glance going over her with understanding and tolerance now. "I did kill, but only to protect. But you are in great trouble, and I didn't realize this at first, so I was put out with you. You are an innocent, as I heard this with my own ears. I know this. But you are a head-strong woman, and I understand why now." He glanced at her comically, "I'll admit, I have not thought this through. I think you very brave for dealing with your drunken father so long, and then this Earl too. You have had much trouble, and despite my misgivings, I will try to help you."

"I'm glad you changed your mind, and I will do anything I can to help make this trip easier. But, don't you think we need some kind of plan?"

"Yes, we will rest, and I will think on it."

"I never asked, but are you married?" she asked staring at him now.

"No, I never married. Why do you ask such a question?" He asked with a knowing smile.

"Well, if I were your wife, I would not like you running around with some crazy woman."

He chuckled. "You do have a sense of humor."

"Do you have a girl?"

"A girl, have her?"

"No, I mean do you love someone in your tribe?"

"Once I did. But because I no longer wanted war, she turned away from me. She thought me a coward."

Lissa frowned. "A woman doesn't see much of what a war is all about. She could not know what it was like. I'm sorry, that must have been hard to take."

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance