Page 7 of My Captured Heart

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She acted like a dog in heat and he found her shameful. She would never be his bride.

She grabbed her dress, threw it on and stalked off, her anger festering with each step she took.

Deer Runner had seen them and came to talk to Lone Wolf. He watched Luki walk away, sulking. "She is beautiful, the most beautiful of their tribe."

"Beauty my friend is not just in the skin and body of a woman. But in the heart. You must know this yourself. Your wife is one of the sweetest of all."

Deer Runner smiled. "She is. Luki shames herself coming to you like that. I cannot believe what I saw."

"I fear I am not the first, either." Lone Wolf smiled at his friend.

"It is possible. Why else would a woman so beautiful not be married?" Deer Runner agreed. "But have you no woman in mind?"

"I've had a vision."

"Oh, a vision." Deer Runner looked at his friend and smiled.

"Yes, I must seek her out."

"You know her?"

"No, I know of her, that is all."

"Then why haven't you brought her before your father?"

"She is not mine. I must take her…"

"Steal her?"


"What tribe is she with?"

"She is white."

"White?" Deer Runner stared at him.

"I will take her as a slave, until she is ready to be my wife."

"And if she does not want you?"

"I will ask the Great Spirit what to do with her, for he has shown me the way."

"Wouldn't it be easier just to take Luki?"

"Yes, but I have no feeling for her. I would take Little Feather before Luki."

"And why have you not taken Little Feather as your bride?"

Lone Wolf sighed and looked over the horizon, "Because my friend, I do not love Little Feather either. And I do not wish to hurt her."

"She loves you, you must see that."

"She will learn soon that my heart is not with her."

"And Luki?"

"Will never be mine. My bed would be cold at night and our children would be born of that. I would never do that. A man is only as good as the woman beside him. I am mindful she could fill any man with lust, but as a man who will someday be chief, I want more than that."

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance