Page 38 of My Captured Heart

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So many questions pounded her. Why was there such a difference in men? Why did she wish the kiss to continue? Why oh, why, did she respond to this kiss. She forgot the storm and moved closer to Lone Wolf now, enjoying the feel of his powerful lips that took her to another world. She moaned and limply surrendered to his mastery.

The experience was new, but profoundly pleasant too, and she couldn't get enough. Her arms went around him as he pulled her ever closer. She felt the flesh of his back against her fingers and her fingernails dug into him there as the pleasure increased. He toyed with her bottom lip, making her open her mouth to him. She had no knowledge of a kiss, what it was supposed to be, but this, was such a sweet surrender.

As his tongue sought hers, she sighed into his arms.

Breathless moments later they pulled apart.

It was apparent he hadn't expected her to respond so willingly. Shocked they stared into each other's eyes.

"Better now?" he whispered hoarsely.

"Y-yes, better." She barely uttered, as her eyes searched his. So, he kissed her to help take her mind from the storm and the sand. She had misconstrued his intent. Now she fell silent, as she realized kissing him back was not what he intended. Her cheeks bloomed.

Unable to cope with the shock of what they'd done, she pulled away, but he pulled her back into his arms, "Rest now," he told her.

She felt so dumb, so guilty, and so…. Strange. What was that ache coming from her stomach now? Why had her lips moved beneath his? It wasn't meant to be emotional, only protective and she had made the error in her response. She couldn't afford to make mistakes.

She had much to learn about feelings.

He hadn't scolded her for the kiss. He hadn't turned her away, but pulled her toward him, holding her gently in his arms.

He was kind not to reprimand her. She would learn.

He knew exactly what she needed and when, she realized. The kiss had taken her away from the storm and given her hope of something quite different. But the kiss had touched something she never expected—her heart.

She lay her head beneath his chin and cuddled into him, closing her eyes. She secretly wanted to relive the moment his lips touched hers. But she could not let him know her feelings. He had called Luki lustful, she could not be like that. Still, her heart wanted more.

She realized suddenly that having feelings could have consequences.

Feelings, she had them, many in fact. Where had they been all her life? Why now, with this man?

Their bodies were close now and it was so different than lying with Liam. She noted that difference. She instinctively knew, no matter what she'd done wrong, he would still protect her, and she slept like a baby, so secure in his big, strong arms.

She knew instinctively that the one thing she could count on from Lone Wolf, was his protection. She must never assume it was anything more.

After the storm and a good night's sleep, they were ready to travel to their new destination. He didn't say a word about the kiss or act any different with her than he had before. But she was confused.

Had he merely kissed her to take her mind from the storm? That made sense. She couldn't let him know how much it meant to her. How it had instantly opened her heart to him. It would be better not to feel anything, then to feel something and not be able to tell him. But she feared his rejection. For no man had ever said they loved her, and they probably never would.

But the kiss was forgotten as a tribe they came upon greeted them warmly, offered them food, drink and a comfortable place to lay their heads.

All the time Hannah was thinking of what happened in the cave. How she had kissed Lone Wolf back. How his kisses were so different from Liam's. All the rest of the day she couldn’t take her eyes from Lone Wolf. He saw her staring and each time, he smiled at her.

Did he feel sorry for her, because she was so dumb? How could he know that feelings she'd never known swept through her body, causing her mind to question everything?

Lone Wolf would never know. He might kick her out and make her go her own way. No, she could never tell him that he had changed her life with a simple kiss.

But now she questioned everything. How could being in Lone Wolf's arms be so different? How could she have responded so wantonly? Yet with Lone Wolf it seemed so natural. She hadn't thought about kissing him, she just did. It felt so right. And still, she wondered if she did it right? Maybe he didn't like the way she kissed, that would be understandable under the circumstances. What did she know of kissing, anyway?

She had to distract herself from that kiss. She'd been affected, but he evidently wasn't. She could not afford to assume too much. She must put it out of her mind.

She concentrated on her surroundings now. This place was much different from the green grasses of Indian Territory. The land was dry here and dust was part of their lives. Not an unpleasant life, but very different.

The women wore many clothes, decorated in many colors. They were friendly, but Hannah could not understand them well. Black Feather had to translate most of the time to her. The four of them were to share a hut, the chief had told them, and they could stay as long as they needed to.

The food was different here too, and Hannah was not accustomed to lizard cooked over an open fire. But she knew not to rebuke their kindness too. She was hungry, so she ate what they gave her.

They were warned of scorpions and all the hazards of their part of the country, so it was an adjustment. Rattlesnakes were prevalent here, the desert was filled with all kinds of harshness, not to mention the dust. Even the dust could kill here.

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance