Page 23 of Be Free My Heart

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He felt every curve of her, first with his body, then with his hands. Then he kissed her eagerly as her response to his touch made her skin prickle. His hand found the hem of her dress and he pulled it up a bit. She moved so he could pull it up more.

The way she gave in to his every move, made him more eager.

His kisses grew bolder, more possessive as she gasped in delight. "Indians don't kiss…at least not like this…"

"Then where did you learn?" he whispered as he pleasured her mouth with more.

She smiled against him now, "You have taught me. On our wedding day, you kissed me…I enjoyed it."

He smiled back, "You learn fast."

"This is new to me, these feelings. My stomach aches for you…" she cried. "And you are my husband…you have married me. I am glad you married me first. I would not have thought you would. But I am glad. Now I will give myself to you…. willingly."

Her words ignited a flame in him. The next kiss became more demanding, heated even. She matched his eagerness to learn more. Matt lost himself in her kisses now. Her lips melted against his. He hadn't expected her to kiss him back, nor the inviting warmth of her body. There was nothing rushed or hurried about their coming together. Several times he raised his head to gaze into her eyes. "You're a beautiful woman, Snow Bird." He whispered.

Her response was natural and unmarred by pretense. She took his face in her hands and kissed him longingly for that admission. He kissed her with abandon, her eyelids, her nose, her cheeks, her chin, and back to her waiting lips that left her with a soft audible moan as he covered them once more. He gazed into her eyes for a moment. She didn't mind his kisses or his touches. In fact, she seemed to embrace this time together as though the outside world no longer existed, just them. She made it feel private.

Her response was welcoming him.

She reached down and pulled her dress up. There was nothing beneath it. He gasped. He lifted his body, so she could pull it over her head, but when his body met hers now, it was heated and inviting, and she encouraged his every touch. She took his hand and laid it on he

r breast. She closed her eyes and smiled as his hand covered her softly there and his fingers moved to entice her further.

He held his breath. Her breast although not big, were soft like a small pillow. He raised the blanket, so he could see her there. "I love looking at you," he murmured. "At the creek, I couldn't take my eyes off you."

"I was hoping you liked me…" she panted.

Her breasts were evenly tan, but her nipples capped them in a silky dusky rose color. He stared. "They are so beautiful." He murmured. "I wanted to touch and kiss them then."

She couldn't stop the smile. "You are pleased?"

"I never expected such beauty. Such loveliness. When I saw you at the creek, I wanted you, even though I knew I didn't have the right to want you so."

"I am glad I please you. And…I am glad you married me. I thought…. I thought you would rather have a white woman."

He bent and took the soft, dark aurora in his mouth, and she moaned softly in his ear. The tips grew harder now in his mouth as he suckled her for long lingering moments. He was letting his instincts lead him. Her small body strained toward him. His tongue assuaged the ache within her as he swirled it around each beautiful tip. His hands were on her back, and going lower, as she eagerly responded.

He felt her nipple grow hard and stick out. He marveled at the reaction. She was so beautiful, he never dreamed a woman could be this beautiful, unmarred by man or nature, she was perfect.

He stared at her breasts now, his eyes gleaming. "I'd rather have you…if that's okay." He whispered for her ears alone.

"But I am not white…"

"It doesn't matter, Snow Bird, it's you I want."

She closed her eyes as his tongue laved her breasts once more, her young body joining his. But rather than take her so quickly, he did what his brother-in-law did, his hands went all over her, exploring, feeling, sensing her responses, as she moaned softly. His eyes danced with pleasure as her young body responded to his touches. His hands drifted to her hips and went over her rounded hips. He cupped her buttocks and she moved even closer. His glance lingered at her breast and her reactions. Besides, he wanted this to be an experience for them both. They had put their blankets against the wall, and so when he lifted the blanket, only he could see. And he stared at her for long moments. "You are so beautiful. How could I be so lucky to have you?" He whispered. "I cannot imagine having any other woman but you…"

She squirmed in his arms but moaned her own pleasure as his thumb rubbed her nipple gently. "I like that," she whispered. She closed her eyes and smiled. "It isn't as bad as I thought it would be…I have never had these feelings…No one has ever touched me so gently, before."

"Do you like me touching you?" He whispered.

"You…yes but just you, only you, very much. It feels very good…I didn't expect you to be so gentle…" she whispered. "I thought you would just take me and go to sleep. It is how Too Tall takes Naomi."

"I didn't know the pleasure of kissing a woman or touching her before. But you are so lovely, I could not rush this…It's my first time to have a woman, and I want to do it right. I want to please you in every way."

"For a man who has never done this, you are very good. More than I ever expected or hoped for. I know that Too Tall would never touch me so. I am yours, Matt Younger!"

"Are you sorry, we wed?"

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance