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She moaned her pleasure, her own hands exploring without shyness now. When her fingers splayed against his backside, pushing him toward her, he groaned and gently raised up enough to slowly plunge himself over and over into her wet and warm body. She touched him now freely, for he had said it was safe. Her hands found his nipples hard and puckered to her touch, her lips danced over him. He groaned aloud, from her pleasuring. Her hands dipped and pulled and tugged and bit into him with her own heated excitement. She was on fire for him. Never had such a thing happened to her. She was beyond thoughts now.

Without a care, Katherine reached down at his manhood, caressing first with her fingers, she moved it towards her. As she took him to the heights of lovemaking, he sighed heavily and rolled over. But her exploration wasn't over. When her hand went to the center of his manhood, she was pleased that he continued his gentle thrusting. She moved her fingers over it as he would pull out for a second, enjoy her touch and move with her again.

"Does God himself understand how I feel at this moment?" she cried aloud.

He looked into her love drugged eyes and smiled. "Yes my sweet, he has sanctioned it."

Katherine couldn't stop the moan of pure pleasure. She couldn't stop her reactions and didn't want to, feeling the most pleasure she had ever experienced. For some reason, it did not feel wrong to be with him. It felt completely right. Over and over he took her to the dizzy heights, almost to the peak, but letting that fade as he rebuilt her excitement until she was in a frenzy. His gentle teasing sent her toward the top. She clawed at him as he continued building their moment. She wanted to scream when he finally plunged, deep and so hard, she screamed with complete delight.

For long dizzying seconds she couldn't see, only the stars and the velvet sky he created. The world faded away, and she was sure she'd gone to heaven. For several seconds he intentionally prolonged the splendor then she fell back, and he collapsed on top of her. Wrapped so securely in his arms, she rested. His hot gentle breath against her ear continued to send little quakes along her arms and legs. The moments had been so earth shattering, she kissed him long and hard again.

Then suddenly something woke her…

Hawks stirred not far from her side. "What…what's goin' on?"

Katherine's eyes opened and reality hit her as she plunged into the pits of hell once more.

It seemed so real. She felt it to the core of her being. How could this happen? She didn't understand how a ghost could make love with her. But he did. Chase had just been with her, she knew it. And yet, it was just a dream. A wishful thought. A private thought. Was he alive? Was it the Great Spirit telling her he lived?

Seeing Hawks staring at her had her coming out of the trance she'd been in and back to reality.

"Sorry, I guess I was dreaming." She picked up the shovel.

The dream embarrassed her, for never had she been so bold in her life. And she couldn't imagine something that wonderful ever happening to her. Chase had mentioned a love he had, and he'd never learn to love her that way. No man would. It was a dream, she silently scolded herself. Her mother never told her of such boldness. Never spoke of such heaven in a man's arms. How could she know it would be that way? How could she imagine it being so wonderful, an experience she had never experienced? It made no sense. Perhaps the sun had touched her head. That's what it was.

She'd had too much sun.

Katherine admonished herself, it was only a dream. Chase was more than likely dead. So the dream was merely wishful thinking. It made her sad to have found something so wonderful in someone and lost it before she really had it. Could one love the dead so thoroughly?

Sighing heavily she bit into the dirt with the shovel. Over and over, she found new places to dig. Her head pounded from the heat. Her body ached, he

r heart felt broken for the loss of her one true love. Long hours later, she rested once more. "I don't think we're going to find it," she said with a groan.

"We've got to. I've come this far, this long, I can't go on. I must find it. You must find it," Hawks said.

"Maybe it's somewhere else?"

Hawks stared at her for a long moment. "Where?"

"Could it have been in there?" She pointed to the house that was no longer there.

"You want to look?" He asked almost as though he couldn't believe she'd thought of it.

"I will…"

He nodded.

For hours they prowled about the house. Katherine found many memories of her parents and of the twins, but there was no money. The grease can above the stove was still full of bacon drippings. Old recipes that hadn't completely burned lay scattered about the kitchen as she had read them all after her mother died.

A tear slipped down her cheek. Her mother, her poor mother. Could Hawks have lied about her mother? Had she suspected her father of anything? Had she known about the Indian girl and her father? Katherine hoped not.

All the questions pouring from her mind and only one kept bothering her. Was she white or was she a half breed too? Who would know?

Chapter Seventeen

Chase killed a couple of rabbits and headed back to the shack. He tried not to think about the dream he shared with Katherine. He needed to stay alert, but it had shocked him, weakened him even. He knew Burning Tree joined them somehow, but he never expected anything like that. Not that he hadn't enjoyed it. He had, thoroughly, but to think Katherine would have him, a breed, with her thinking she was white. It went beyond belief. White women didn't mate with breeds?

She belonged to him now, and he knew it. There was no turning back, even if he had wanted to, which he didn't. No woman knew him so well, loved him so thoroughly, but that was in the dream world. What would the real world be like? Still, the dream had taken over and he could do nothing but endure the pleasure of it.

Tags: Rita Hestand Dream Catcher Romance