Page 93 of Savage Sins

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“I don’t like that look on your face.” Jafar’s voice is deep with sleep, and he pulls me closer, kissing the top of my head. “Want to talk about it?”

“I’m guessing I had another bad dream. Sorry if I woke you.”

“You didn’t wake me. I was in here when I heard you cry out. To be honest, I was already debating getting you.”

I look at him to see if he’s joking. He’s not.


“Because I find I sleep much better when you’re at my side.”

“Me, too.”

He hums as he shifts. When he does, something very distinct rubs against my side. Oh, my goodness. He doesn’t seem embarrassed. Instead, he pulls me closer.

“Want to talk about what happened last night after the movie was over?”

“Not really.”

He gives me a slight squeeze.

I sigh. “Like I said, I’m worried about what people will say.”

“Are you?”

“Maybe I should be.”

“Or maybe you should fuck them all and live your life for you.”

I peer up at him. “And living my life for me includes sleeping in your bed at night?”

“Damn right it does.”

“I’m sure your wife would have something to say about that.”

“Maybe so. Probably not. Either way, I don’t care what she thinks about us.”


Damn my heart for fluttering.

“I wish I had your confidence.”

“One day you will.”

“And one day my prince will come.” I snort. “I’m done believing in fairytales.”

He moves so fast that I don’t know what’s happening, rolling on top of me. He’s not hurting me, but that doesn’t stop my heart from pounding and my breath from coming out in short pants as a rush of heat shoots through my body. His eyes are bright with emotion as he looks down at me, and I swear to god he can see into my soul. A shiver works its way up my spine.

“Fuck a prince. What you need is a villain. Someone who will sacrifice the entire world just to be with you.”

I moisten my lips with my tongue. “Is that what you are? My villain?”

His gaze goes to my lips. Time moves in slow motion as his head lowers. Our mouths meet in the softest kiss, which isn’t what I was expecting. He kisses me three times before pulling away and moving away from me. I miss his heat as soon as he’s gone.

“Come on, little mouse. I have a big day planned for us.”

“You do?”

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance