Page 9 of Savage Sins

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“You need time to relax, my friend. Otherwise, I’m going to be forced to take you out for drinks.”

I’m about to speak when Jafar clears his throat. Loudly. Ty’s gaze goes over my shoulder, and he actually flinches. There is no telling what kind of glare he’s getting from Jafar, but there’s definitely something happening behind me. I canfeelit burning into my back.

I step into the office, and Jafar follows, closing the door. How does this man manage to make every space he’s in feel small and cramped? There’s only one chair, and I take it. Jafar stands behind me. Hell, he’s so close that I can feel the heat from his body. Not to mention that his scent surrounds me.

“Is everything okay, Ellie?” Now Ty is dead serious.

“It’s fine. Ty, this is, Malik Jafar. He’s married to Jasmine.”

Though he’s never met Jasmine, he’s heard me talk about her for years.

His eyes light up. “How was your visit?”

“Well, that’s what I’m here for. Jasmine accepted a position with the Met and wants me to help her.”

“Oh, Ellie. The Met? How wonderful is that!”

Ty knows about my love of the Met, which probably makes me a nerd, but I don’t care. We all have our obsessions.

“It really is. But to help her, I would need to take a leave of absence.”

The smile fades from his face. “How long would you be gone?”

“A month. I know it’s a lot to ask.”

“Ellie, I’m not sure if that’s possible. We’re already short-staffed as it is, with Mary being off on maternity leave.”

I knew it was a long shot, and I knew there was a chance he’d say no. But it still hurts knowing I had a chance to follow my dream for once in my life and now it’s gone. That’s just the luck that I have.

“No worries.”

Jafar says, “If I may? My company will provide temporary help while Ellie is away.”

I glance at him, surprised.

Ty replies, “As kind of an offer as that is, we can’t afford to pay a temp. Our budget is stretched as it is, and Ellie has done us a favor by working for such a great rate.”

“You mean you’re being cheap and don’t pay her what she deserves? Just so we’re clear, she’s worth three times what you’re paying. As for the temp, it will cost you nothing. Just your word in writing that Ellie’s job will be waiting when the month is over.”

Ty’s cheeks are bright red, and I’m not sure if it’s because Jafar called him out on my low salary or if it’s at the thought of not having to pay someone for an entire month.

Finally, he says, “That will work for me. Ellie, are you sure this is something you want to do?”

I’m not the type of person to leap without knowing what’s going to catch me. There’s so much that I haven’t been able to plan, which is probably how Jasmine wanted it. But I know that if I don’t do this that I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. Jasmine will soon get bored, and I’ll never get another chance like this again. It’s now or never.

“Yes, it’s something I want to do.”

“Then I say go for it. And I’ll have that letter for you tomorrow.”

Jafar shifts behind me. “We’ll wait.”

Ty’s face gets even redder, but he turns to his computer, typing. A moment later, the letter prints off, and he signs it before handing it over.

“I can’t wait to hear all about your time in the big city,” he says with a smile. “Maybe we can plan on drinks when you get back.”

I smile back as I stand. “Yeah. That would be nice. We can get the entire staff together.”

“Yeah. Sure.” He comes around the desk, hugging me. “Let me know if you need anything.”

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance