Page 87 of Savage Sins

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“It’s a surprise.”

His lips brush against my forehead and then he’s gone, leaving me in a shocked stupor. Shaking my head, I fall back into my seat, unsure if my legs will continue to hold me. How does he have that effect on me? And what kind of surprise is he planning?

I stay in the library until my stomach rumbles. In the kitchen, I find a tray of breakfast rolls and fruit that have been left out. There must be a housekeeper who lives here, but I haven’t seen a soul except for Jafar and Razoul. After I eat, I find my purse in the living room and dig out my phone. Has Jasmine texted? The thought makes my stomach roil.

There aren’t any texts from Jasmine, but I have several from Gemma and one from Ty. My finger hovers over the one from Ty.

Dr. Tyrell Kelly

Just wanted to say that I’m counting down the days until you’re home. <3

It’s the heart emoji that sends guilt coursing through me. I don’t like him like that, but now I’ve made him think there might be something more between us. To make matters worse, he’s my boss. Ugh. Ignoring his message, I open the thread with Gemma.


You never texted after the fundraiser to say you made it home okay. Are you okay?

I’m trying not to be a worried cool, older auntie, but I’m worried. Text me when you get this.

Ellie, are you okay?

I reached out to Jasmine. She said there was an incident after the fundraiser but wouldn’t go into detail. What happened?

Please text me. I’m so worried about you.

I shift and pain courses through me, reminding me of what happened. I should call Gemma, but I don’t know if I can handle that right now.

I’m safe. There’s a lot that has happened, but I’m not in the right headspace to talk about it yet. I hope you understand.

Of course I understand! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

I will. Thank you.

I’m just glad to hear that you’re safe.

Are you coming into the office today?

I bite back a groan. This is a painful reminder that the world just keeps on moving and doesn’t give a damn when something bad happens to someone.

I don’t think so.

Okay. Rest, and we’ll talk later.

I know she’s just being a good friend, but her words unsettle me. The gala is in six days, and I will be expected to go to the office, or I’ll be no better than Jasmine. But the thought of having to look people in the eye makes me want to vomit. They will see the bruises on my face and know something happened. What’s worse is that some will speculate without knowing. I just… I don’t think I can do it. I’m still frowning at my phone when the front door opens and Jafar walks in.

“What is it?”

“Gemma was texting. She was worried. I… I told her I would talk to her later.” My voice quivers. “But I lied. I don’t want to tell her anything.”

“You don’t owe anyone shit, Ellie.”

He crosses the room, sitting next to me on the couch. His warmth calls to me and I lean into him when he puts his arm around me.

“I don’t want them to talk bad about me.”

“Fuck them. They don’t know what you went through, and if you’re not ready to talk about it, then you don’t need to. Besides, we’re going to be out of town for the next three days.”

“We are?”

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance