Page 71 of Savage Sins

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A whimper leaves my mouth. He tried to warn me. Told me to stay away from Al. I didn’t listen.

Why didn’t I listen?

Al leans back, unbuckling his pants. If I didn’t know what his intent was before, I do now. I scream for help, and he backhands me so hard that I see spots for a moment. The coppery taste of blood fills my mouth, but I have to keep fighting. I have to. Using all my might, I manage to shove him off me. Scrambling, I all but trip over myself as I run for the door.

Just as I think I’ve made it, he slams into me from behind and smashes my head against the door. My vision spins as he drags me toward the bed by my hair. I’m crying now, begging him to stop. But he doesn’t. Instead, he violates me in the worst way a woman can be harmed. It hurts so badly, but I manage to shut down. To tell myself that this isn’t happening to me. That he’s not forcing himself between my legs, shredding through my virginity like it's nothing.

Like I’m nothing.

God, why me?


When he’s finished, he rolls off me, pulling off a condom.I should be glad for that, a voice says deep inside of my head. Fresh tears fill my eyes that sting when they fall down my cheeks. When I go to wipe them, I find blood on my fingers.

Al dresses, never saying a word. He grabs the used condom, putting it in his pocket. Why is he doing that? Is it so there’s no evidence left behind?

He comes to the side of the bed and grips my jaw so hard that I cry out.

“If you say anything to anyone, I’m going to kill you. No one will believe you, either. Understand?”

I nod my understanding.

He smiles, planting a wet kiss on my forehead that makes my stomach roil.

“It’s been fun, El. We’ll have to do this again before you head back to Kansas.”

I shake as he strolls from the room. He stops, putting theDo Not Disturbsign on the outside of the door with a wink before he leaves. When he’s gone, I scramble from the bed, locking the door. I’m shivering so hard that my teeth chatter. There’s a part of my brain that can’t reconcile what just happened. But when I look at the bed and see the blood, I can’t deny it.

He raped me.

The words spin through my mind like a chant that I can’t keep up with. My stomach roils again, and I vomit on the carpet before I can even think about making it to the bathroom. I fall to the ground as sobs take over. Not only did he rape me, but he took my virginity as well. A wail works its way past my lips.

Everything spins, and I think I’m going to pass out. No! I need help. There was blood on my hand, which means I’m hurt. And there’s definitely an ache between my legs that doesn’t feel right. Crawling across the floor, I find my phone. Unlocking it, I dial Jasmine, praying she answers. When she doesn’t answer, I call her again. And again. And again. I call until I feel like I’m going out of my mind. I need help, but no one is there.

No one is ever there.



I tried like hell not to notice when Ellie and Al left the fundraiser, giggling like two love-struck fools. Now I’m left dwelling on what I witnessed tonight. Is that what they are? In love? Al isn’t my favorite person, but do I feel that way because he has a thing for Ellie? The truth is, I know what kind of person he is, and Ellie deserves better than that. Hell, she deserves the world.

Jasmine touches my arm. “Dear, smile.”

I look at the camera as it flashes. The fundraiser is almost over. Thank. Fucking. God. I’m going to get the hell out of here and go find a bottle with my name on it.

The photographer says, “Now let’s get some of just Mrs. Jafar.”

Fucking hell. Jasmine shoves her purse at me, and I take it. Nearly everyone is gone, so I’m able to find a table to sit at without having to make small talk. I’m tempted to reach into my pocket and pull out a cigarette, but it’s not allowed, even in my own hotel. Jasmine’s purse vibrates, rattling on the table top. It’s probably Dru, who seems to text at all hours of the night. She left with her husband shortly after Ellie and Al left, saying Richard wasn’t feeling well suddenly.

I wonder if there are any rooms available tonight. Loosening my tie, I send a text to the hotel manager. A moment later, I get a text back, saying no. Fuck.

Jasmine’s phone buzzes again. I glance across the room. She’s still posing away, so Dru is going to have to wait.

I send Razoul a text.


Tags: Sarah Bale Romance