Page 68 of Savage Sins

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I’m laughing as I cross the room. Al’s dark eyes light up when he sees me.

“I wasn’t sure if you were going to come over.” He pauses. “Jafar just texted me. He warned me to stay away from you tonight.”

Somewhere in the ballroom stands Jafar. I know because I can feel his eyes boring into my back.

“Fuck Jafar,” I say. “Let’s dance.”



Al and I keep to ourselves for most of the night, except when Gemma drags me over to the celebrity, asking him for a selfie. He graciously says yes, and Gemma and I rush away like two schoolgirls on cloud nine after we get our picture with him. Al doesn’t seem as happy when I show him the photo and makes a comment about how he has more muscles than the actor.

I say, “I know you do. It was just cool to run into him. I mean, when will I ever be in the same room as him again?

Al frowns. “Hopefully you don’t keep running off. It’s kind of rude to leave your date hanging like that.”

Oh my gosh. I didn’t even think how it might make Al feel.

“I’m sorry, Al. I really didn’t mean anything by it.”

He laughs, but it sounds forced. “Don’t worry about it. As long as you’re here with me, I’m happy.”

After that, I stay by his side. Gemma tries to talk me into meeting a famous singer who used to be in one of my favorite boy bands before branching out on his own, but I say no. She gives me a long look before leaving.

Al presses his lips against my temple. “Thanks, babe.”

We run into Dru and Richard at one point, and end up at the bar with them, taking shots. I haven’t felt this free in a long time, and it’s nice.

“To friends,” Richard says as he lifts his glass.

We all lift ours before tossing back the shots. Al’s hand goes around my waist, pulling me close. He’s done this all night. At first it felt strange. Now it feels right. We’ve even kissed a few times. And I’m pleased that each kiss brings more sparks of pleasure than the last.

Dru sets down her glass and says, “I need to go to the bathroom. Ellie, can you come with me? I’m going to need help with my dress.”

“Sure.” I tell Al, “I’ll be right back.”

We make our way to the main hallway, where the bathroom is. There’s a line, but thankfully it moves pretty fast. While we’re in line, Jasmine cuts so she can stand with us. People behind us complain, but she acts like she doesn’t hear or even care.

“Oh, my god. If my husband says one more shitty thing, I swear I’m going home with another man tonight.”

Dru nods sympathetically. “That’s why Rich and I took a stroll around the room. It worked out, though, because we ran into Ellie and Al.”

She bumps her shoulder against mine, surprising me.

I smile. “I’m glad you bumped into us, too.”

Jasmine says, “Seriously, I don’t know what’s up Jafar’s ass. First, he gets me this shitty bracelet for tonight. Then he acts like he can’t stand me. It makes me wonder if he’s cheating on me again.”

She holds up her wrist, showing off a diamond tennis bracelet. It’s nice, but I know what she means. Usually, he goes all out and gets her something that matches her outfit. The same thing he did for me. I feel guilty for a split second but shove the feeling away. I’m having a good night, and I don’t want to ruin it by thinking about him.

“Maybe he’s just having a bad day,” I say.

“Maybe. Anyway, tell me something good. How’s it going with Al?”

My cheeks are warm. “It’s going good.”

“He almost didn’t come. Jafar called him before we left the house and told him he was changing his duties. I told him to let the poor man come. I mean, it’s not like he’s going to get another chance to attend a party like this.”

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance