Page 66 of Savage Sins

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He sips on his drink while he watches me. Finally, he says, “I want you to stay away from Al.”

“I can’t do that.”

“You will.”

“Jafar, be reasonable.”

“We’re beyond reason.”

It strikes me then what the actual issue is.

“You’re jealous. Oh, my god. That’s what this is. You’re jealous of Al.”

He downs the rest of drink before letting out a bitter laugh.

“Me? Jealous of Al? You’ve got to be fucking kidding.”

“Then what is it? Because every time I’m around him, you act like a dick.”

His green eyes flash. “Sweetie, I think you’re reaching.”

“Don’t call me sweetie.”

“And don’t act like I give a shit about you, Ellie. You were right when you said you were just a hole to get my dick wet in, except you couldn’t even do that right, could you?”

His words hurt as much as being slapped, and I take a step back.

“You’ve made it clear since the day that we met that you don’t care for me.” I lower my tone to mock him. “You don’t need friends like that, Jasmine. She’s just a wallflower clinging on to your sunshine.”

I heard him say that to Jasmine after their wedding and it’s crossed my mind more than once over the years. He’s not wrong—I am a wallflower, but there’s nothing wrong with that except in moments like this.

He looks surprised for a split second. “She told you that?”

“No, I overheard, which I guess proves your point, since the two of you didn’t even realize I was sitting in the corner.” My eyes water. “I’m tired of fighting with you.”

“Then stop pissing me off.”

“And how do you suggest I do that? Tell me, Jafar, how can I please you?”

His eyes glimmer, and I brace myself for whatever he’s going to say. He’s hurting right now, and I know he’s going to inflict the same amount of emotional pain on me. What he doesn’t know is I’ve been in pain since the day I found out he would never be mine.

“Please me? You couldn’tpleaseme if you tried, Ellie. Do you know what I see every time I look at you?” He waits a beat. “I see a woman who is scared to stand on her own, so she hides in the shadows. I see a woman who pines after her best friend’s husband, thinking no one sees. Well, I see, and I think it’s pathetic.”

How has he gone from someone I wanted to kiss to this?

My breath hitches. “You’re so full of it. I don’t pine after you.”

“I’m sure that’s the lie you tell yourself, so you don’t feel bad at the end of the day.”

“You’re being mean.”

“I’m being real. You’re my wife’s best friend, and so I tolerate you. For you to suggest that I’m jealous of one of my henchmen is fucking laughable.”

I can’t stop the tears that leak from my eyes.

“I get it, Jafar. I’m a nobody. After the fundraiser is over, I’ll make sure we never cross paths again.”

Because I’m not going to stick around for the gala. Not after this.

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance