Page 61 of Savage Sins

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“There’s a difference?”

“Worry would imply that we had done something wrong.”

“But we did do something wrong. Multiple times.”

His gaze searches mine. “I’m aware.”

Suddenly, the temperature rises several degrees. Oh god, this is bad. I can’t afford to kiss him, so I do the first thing that comes to my mind. When the SUV comes to a stop at the next light, I grab my purse, open the door, and get the hell out of that SUV as fast as I can.

“I’ll walk the rest of the way,” I say before I slam the door shut.

I hear him cursing as I walk away. It’s the right thing to do, though. That’s what I tell myself with each step that I take so I don’t do something stupid, like turn around and run back to him.

My phone buzzes and I expect it to be him. It’s Jasmine.


I’m sorry for being such a bitch earlier. Dru said you had Jafar’s ring, and I lost it.

It’s okay. I’m glad we sorted out everything.

Me too.

I seriously can’t wait for the fundraiser. We’re going to raise so much money!

I feel a twinge of guilt.

How mad would you be if I skipped the fundraiser?

My phone rings and I answer it as I enter the hotel, stepping to the side so I’m out of the way of people entering and exiting the lobby.


“What are you talking about? Why would you skip the fundraiser?”

“I’ve been homesick,” I admit, which isn’t a total lie. “And the committee doesn’t need me anymore. Not really.”

“I need you.”

I laugh. “Jasmine, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you’ve never needed me.”

“You know what I mean. You’re my BFF. Iwantyou there. Besides, I thought I heard you already had a dress.”

I’m not sure who she would have heard that from, but I know it wasn’t me, since I haven’t talked to her since we got back from Water Mills.

“I dohave a dress…”

“See? You have to go. Besides, it’s just one more day until the fundraiser. Please.” She drags out the word, reminding me of when we were kids.

I sigh softly. Staying in New York is a bad idea. I can feel it in my gut, but I don’t want to disappoint Jasmine. Especially when I’m not sure when, or if, I’ll be back to New York.

“Fine. I’ll stay,” I say.

“Good! Now, pamper yourself for the rest of the day. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She ends the call, and I take the elevator to my floor. When I enter my room, I send Gemma a text.


Tags: Sarah Bale Romance