Page 57 of Savage Sins

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“Because Dru loves trying to make me look bad, isn’t that right, Dru?”

Dru rolls her eyes. “Calm down. I’m only having a bit of fun.”

Jasmine adds, “Yeah, Ellie. It’s just a joke.”

“But it’s a joke at my expense. And it’s something that happened over ten years ago.” My eyes mist over with tears that I blink away. “I think I’m going to leave. I have a lot of work to do before the fundraiser.”

It’s a lie, but I don’t care. I hear them laughing as I walk away.

What’s the point of being here? The gala team will be fine if I resign. Jasmine has changed. And the longer I’m here, the more I want to give in to the temptation that is Jafar. No, it’s best if I leave. But there’s one thing I want to do before I go. I manage to flag a cab and tell the driver my destination.

I’ve always loved the botanical gardens, mainly because I have fond memories of my parents here. They used to bring me when they wanted to get out of the house, and I used to love coming. The older I get, the more I realize this is a place of serenity. I feel grounded when I visit, and that’s what I need right now.

All the displays are beautiful, but I find myself headed toward the orchids. I’ve been gazing at the flowers for several minutes when I feel Jafar standing behind me. His heat calls to me, but I resist.

“Funny that we both ended up here.” I glance over my shoulder. “Did you follow me?”

He’s dressed in his signature black, but today he’s foregone a tie and the top few buttons of his shirt are undone. This is the most disheveled I’ve ever seen him, and he looks breathtaking. His gaze meets mine and I’m shocked to find tormented green orbs staring back at me.

He lets out a short laugh. “Believe it or not, but I didn’t. I just needed some air and ended up here.”

I hum under my breath, turning my attention back to the flowers. This year the display is even bigger and better than I remembered it being. Moving down the line, I see a plaque from one donor. My breath catches in my throat.

For Ellie


He moves next to me while I fight the tears that are threatening to spill.

“You donated to the display? For me?”

“Of course I did. I’ve done it every year since we met.”

As if to prove his point, a man in a polo shirt comes over, smiling.

“Mr. Jafar. So nice to see you today. We’ve got some new blooms that I’d like to show you if you have time.”

Jafar looks at me, waiting. I nod once.

“Right this way.”

We’re led to a doorway for employees only, and we follow the man down a long hallway. He rattles on about the different things they’ve been working on, but all I can think about is that Jafar has been donating. Forme.

We enter a room filled with orchids. Right away I spot some of the new blooms, including a new variation of the tiger orchid, my personal favorite.

The man says, “Feel free to look around.”

He moves discreetly out of the way as Jafar and I move around the room. I spot a bloom with a tag in front of it and stop.Ellie’s Eyes. My heart pounds in my chest and I risk a glance at Jafar.

“Is this… is this for me?”

He nods. “Yes.”

The orchid is unique because of the light blue color. One might even say it’s the same shade as my eyes.


“I think you know why.”

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance