Page 5 of Savage Sins

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At the same time, Dru asks, “Did she tell you about the time my dear step-sister tried to seduce my boyfriend?”

My heart pounds so loud that I’m sure everyone can hear it. Why does she always do this to me? And why do I let her? I’m a grown-ass adult. I can stand up for myself. But I don’t. I meet Jasmine’s gaze across the table, and she gives me a small shrug as if to sayoh well.

Jafar says, “Dru, if you can’t keep the past in the past, then I suggest you move to a different table. We’re all very aware that youthinkEllie tried to steal Richard, but you’re married to him, so why does it matter?”

Dru’s face turns red. “Well, I—”

He shoots a look in her direction, and she clamps her lips shut for once in her life. God, I wish I had that kind of power. To silence someone with a look. If I didn’t hate Jafar so much, I’d ask him to teach me how to do it.

Al leans in and says, “Jasmine has only told me good things, I swear.”

I nod, but my appetite is gone. I sit there, pushing food around my plate until the last course is served. As everyone digs into their desserts, I stand.

“I have a terrible headache, so I’m going to leave. Thank you for a wonderful evening, Jasmine and Jafar.”

Before they can pretend to protest, I leave as gracefully as I can. Outside, the air is cool, and I shiver as I wait for a cab. I don’t want to use Jasmine’s car, because that will be one more thing she’s giving me. Finally, a cab arrives.

“Where to?”


Because the first thing I’m going to do is eat! And then I’m going to go back to my hotel room, get out of the shapewear that makes it hard to breathe, and then I’m going to watch Netflix until I forget just how bad this night was.



A loud knock on the door of my suite wakes me. Groaning, I open my eyes. It’s eleven, so I’m not late for anything, especially considering Jasmine never texted, saying she wanted to do brunch before I left. Heck, I’m not even supposed to be at the airport until this afternoon. Padding to the door, I look through the peephole and then look again. No way! I look a third time to make sure I’m not seeing things.

“I can see your shadow under the door, little mouse. Open up before I do it for you.”

That sends me into action. I unlock the door, throwing it open. Jafar stands there looking like sin incarnate in all black, while I look like a hot mess that just woke up. I glance down, biting back a groan. Yup, that’s what I thought. I’m wearing an oversized Harry Styles t-shirt that I got at a concert and boy-shorts. I don’t even have a freaking bra on. Great.

Crossing my arms over my chest, I ask, “What are you doing here? I didn’t think you would grace a hotel this trashy with your presence.”

“Funny.” He looks over my shoulder as if looking for something and says, “Jasmine wants me to fly back to Kansas with you. She seems to think I’ll be able to convince your boss to give you time off.”

I snort. “Convince? Don’t you mean threaten?”

He lifts one broad shoulder. “Call it what you will. I’ll get the job done.”

I’m sure he will, but there’s no way in hell that I’m going anywhere with him.

“My flight doesn’t leave until three. You’re a bit early.”

I don’t mention that I have a late check-out, too, which is why I was still sleeping.

“We’re taking my jet and are leaving as soon as you’re ready.”

I bite back a groan. Great. Just how I wanted to spend my day.

“I’m sure there are a lot of things you still need to steal, so I’ll wait downstairs.”

He turns, leaving without a backward glance. That jerk! Just to spite him, I take my time packing and Idotake all the freebies I can grab.

At my suitcase, I pause. I had planned on wearing jeans and a t-shirt, but I’m sure Jafar will report back to Jasmine, and I don’t want to hear about how I embarrass her when I dress for comfort and not style. So I go with slacks and a blouse that make me feel even more uncomfortable than I already am. Sighing, I know I’ve put off the inevitable for long enough. It’s time to make my way outside. To Jafar.

He’s waiting in the SUV, and I climb in next to him, though the thought crossed my mind to sit in the front with the driver. I settle into my seat, realizing just how much room the man takes up. Our legs are almost brushing, and I have to lean the other way just to make sure we don’t touch. That doesn’t stop his scent from surrounding me. Each breath I take is a slight form of torture.God. Why does he have to smell so good?

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance