Page 21 of Savage Sins

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“Yes?” she snaps.

I lean back, resting my arm under my head. “Thought it might be better to see you face to face.”

She reaches for her wine, taking a sip. “And why is that?”

“Maybe I missed your pretty face.”

“I doubt that.”

What she doesn’t know is I’m telling the truth. I’ve stayed away because I know I crossed a line with the fucking foot rub, and I couldn’t trust myself not to do something else. Something not-so-innocent that can’t be taken back with a laugh or two.

“Actually, I wanted to pick your brain about something, and it’s too much to text.”

She’s leery as she asks, “What about?”

“You mentioned wanting to visit Hôtel de Lumière after seeing Luca’s wedding on TV. Is there anything about Luca or his bride that you think I should know before I meet with them tomorrow?”

She rolls onto her side, propping her phone on the nightstand.

“Let me think. They were married before their TV wedding. If the tabloids are true, he kidnapped her and forced her to marry him to repay her father’s debt. The TV wedding was just a do-over.”

I chuckle. “They call him the Beast, so that would make sense.”

“She’s been photographed with a few of his men and the photos look… intimate.” Her face flushes.

“Intimate? How so?”

“In one she was with his right-hand man in a pool. They were just close, you know? Liketooclose.”

“Interesting. Anything else?”

“She hangs out with the other wives of powerful men in Chicago. Made Men, if I were to guess. Amelia Hook. Winter Phrygia. Goldie Behr.”

“Behr? Which of the brothers is married?”

“I think Atticus, but I’m not sure.”

“Shit, I really should have brought you along.”

“I’m sure Jasmine would have gone for that.”

“You’re probably right.” I pause. “For what it’s worth, I’m glad you’re helping with the gala.”

“Me too. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do.”

I know this, but I don’t comment.

Instead, I ask, “Missing Kansas at all?”

“Kind of. I miss the pace of things. Plus, everything is three times as expensive here.”

I sometimes forget that most people have to worry about the cost of things. I make a mental note to have her stipend increased. I don’t want her to have to worry about anything. Not while she’s here, under my care.

“Have you been to the botanical gardens yet?”

Her eyes light up. “Not yet. The orchid display will open soon. I hope I have time to see it before I leave.”

I say, “We’ll definitely make sure you go before you leave.”

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance