Page 19 of Savage Sins

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The bellhop taking us to our room pretends he can’t hear us as we rise high into the sky. On the top floor, we’re led down the dark red carpeted hallway to our suite. I tip the bellhop while Razoul does a quick sweep, making sure the room is safe. He gives me a nod as the bellhop leaves. When he’s gone, we both take off our holsters. Luca mentioned he had a strict no-weapon policy in his hotel, which is something that was recently put into place according to my research. Must have something to do with his new bride.

Razoul asks, “Sure you don’t want to come out tonight?”

“I’m sure. They’ve assured me they’ll have the perfect woman picked out tomorrow.”

With baby blue eyes, full lips, blonde hair, and curves that I can sink my teeth into. If they thought my request was odd, they didn’t let it show. Not even when I gave them a photo of Ellie for reference.

“I’m heading out, then. Don’t wait up.”

He leaves whistling a light tune. I have a ton of work to do, so I carry my bags into my private room in the suite and unpack my laptop. It’s amazing how many people have reached out to me during the quick plane ride to Chicago. You’d think I was going to be away for a month with the number of panicked emails sitting in my inbox.

I work for a few hours and then check my phone. Jasmine hasn’t texted to see if I’ve arrived. Hell, she likely doesn’t know I’m gone. No fears of becoming a widow with that one. I thank god every fucking day that I had her sign a prenup when I married her. If something were to happen to me, she won’t get shit. No, it’s set to go to my heirs in a trust that she can’t touch. And since I don’t plan on ever having a fucking child with her, it will go to a cousin I’ve never met.

So, no text from Jasmine. But there is a text from Ellie. Interesting. My thumb hovers over the message before I open it.

Little Mouse

I hope you made it to Chicago safely. I heard it was supposed to rain while you’re there.

I didn’t know you cared.

Three dots appear, and I glance at the clock. What is she still doing up so late?

I just know Jasmine would be upset if something happened.

You give her too much credit. I don’t think she even knows I’m gone.

How have you been? Haven’t seen much of you since the pub.

When I purposely toyed with her under the table. Somehow it went from being a way to make her squirm to see how many times I could make her let out a breathy moan like she was about to come. Fuck. Even thinking about it now has my cock throbbing in my slacks.

Just been busy. The amount of work that goes into the gala is insane.

Is Jasmine keeping busy, too?

I already know that Jasmine hasn’t been going in, but I’m curious to see if Ellie will lie for her friend.

I haven’t seen much of Jasmine.

So, you’re doing her work for her?

At this point, it’s my work, and that’s fine with me. I suggested some minor changes to the centerpieces, and they loved them.

I smile. I knew Ellie would be great at this.

Oh? What kind of changes?

I found these little crowns that can go inside of the vases. When we add lights, it looks like jewels.

A photo comes through of her centerpiece. It’s elegant, and what people love to see at events like the Met gala.

Nice. I think people will love it.

I had a similar moment when I checked into the Hôtel de Lumière. They’re doing some things here that I can’t wait to try in my own hotels.

Hôtel de Lumière? OMG! I’ve wanted to stay there forever. Well, ever since Luca Di Bello married Dove Potts, and their wedding was on TV.

Seems like you know a lot about Di Bello. If I had known that, I would have invited you.

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance