Page 14 of Savage Sins

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I’d like to think she’s joking, but something tells me she’s not. Glancing to the side, I notice a few people in the hallway watching us through the glass, as if they knew she was going to be mad. One guy is even laughing. God, I hope Jasmine doesn’t notice him. If she does, things are going to get messy.

“Jasmine, I don’t think they were laughing at your idea. You heard what they said. It’s late in the game to be changing things. Most of the designers have already planned the outfits that their clients are going to wear.”

And we’re four weeks from the gala.

She glares at me. “Whose side are you on?”

“Yours. Always.”

“Then I’m going to need you to help me convince them that my idea is the way to go. What was that lady’s name who was sitting next to you? Her husband has a lot of money, and she seems like I might sway her my way.”

I remember her name, because she used to be a pop star in the 80s, and my mom used to love her music. Gemma. The one-name wonder, much like Cher and Madonna. We only got to chat for a little bit today, and her eyes teared up when I told her that my mom was a fan. So going to her now feels like I’m going to ruin what we shared earlier. And I don’t want her to think I spoke to her just so I could turn around and influence her to go along with Jasmine.

“You can’t really expect me to talk to her!” Jasmine stares at me until I stand. “Fine.”

I don’t know why Jasmine thinks I’m going to sway anyone’s opinions. Heck, she’s the one who’s good with people. She should talk to them. Not me! But I make my way from the office, searching for Gemma. I’m hoping that she’s long gone, but I catch her at a booth in the lobby, buying coffee. My stomach cramps. Ireallydon’t want to do this. Gemma seems so nice, and I don’t want to alienate her with Jasmine’s request.

“Ellie! Would you like something to drink?”

“No, thank you. I was wondering if I could pick your brain about something.”

She takes her biodegradable cup, motioning for me to follow.

“I have a bit of time before I have to do my podcast. What’s on your mind?”

“I was just thinking about the vote in there.”

We come to a stop at a tall table, where we can stand while we chat. It might be nice if I wasn’t so dang uncomfortable.

“You’re friends with Jasmine, right? I heard her telling someone that she couldn’t wait for you to get here because you would help people see her vision. Is that what you’re doing? Getting me to see her vision?”

My cheeks flush. “Maybe. I guess I just thought it might be a way to expand the theme of the gala. I know the exhibits have been up for several months now, but this might be a way to elevate the theme and add some hype to the gala.”

She hums. “I like you, Ellie, so I’m going to offer this advice. You had a lot of good ideas in there. Things we can actually use. You understand how things work here at the Met, and it shows. Don’t let Jasmine pull you down to her level.”

God, I feel like I’m back in grade school, being sent to the principal’s office. But she’s right. Idoknow how the Met works, which is why I know how hard Jasmine’s idea is going to be to pull off.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

She sighs. “Do you really think this fairytale theme can work?”

I choose my words carefully. “I think it’s close enough to the original theme that it will give the attendees room to have fun with their costumes for the night. They can add wings, glitter, or whatever they want and go wild with the theme. And the ones who don’t want to change don’t have to.”

“Let me think about it. It will take some work to convince the others because most of them don’t like Jasmine. Are you up to the challenge?”

She’s blunt. I like that. Lord knows I wish I was more like her. I nod and she reaches into her purse, pulling out a card.

“This is my number. Text me, and I’ll let you know what I decide by the end of the day.”

“Thank you.”

“No, thank you. It’s refreshing to see someone with such original ideas. Just be mindful of where your loyalty lies. I’d hate for you to find it’s a one-way street.”

She gives me a small nod before collecting her things and leaving. I think about what she said. Her frankness surprised me. Do the others on the team really dislike Jasmine that much? She can be a lot to handle, but it’s just because she’s passionate. They just don’t know her like I do. As for the loyalty part… that’s a bit harder to figure out. I’m loyal to Jasmine, and I’m pretty sure she would have my back, too. So why did Gemma’s statement leave a sour feeling in my stomach?

My phone dings and I glance at it.


Tags: Sarah Bale Romance