Page 11 of Savage Sins

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I shrug, not wanting to answer. I’m still mad at the way he spoke to me as we left Kansas. He snorts, as if he knows that Iambetter, and turns his attention back to his phone. Freaking jerk.

We depart the jet and there’s another SUV waiting. I climb inside, biting back a groan when Jafar gets in, too. I mean, I can’t blame him, since it’s raining, but still.

“Do you ever drive yourself?”

“Not usually,” he answers, scrolling on his phone.

“Must be nice.”

He glances at me. “I miss it.”

“Then why do you have someone drive you around?”

“It’s a security issue. The last time I drove myself, someone tried to run me off the road. I crashed my favorite car in the process. Job hazard that’s worse now than it was before.”

My eyes widen. “Oh. That stinks. I’m sorry.”

He doesn’t answer. Lord, get me out of this SUV soon. I can’t stand how brooding he is. If he were a cartoon character, he’d have a dark cloud above his head all the time. Of course, I’d be the fool with little hearts floating above mine, so I guess we would cancel each other out.

Thankfully, the drive to the hotel is short.

“Thanks for the ride.”

He doesn’t even acknowledge me as I get out. Well, screw him. I’m going to settle in my room and then go find some pizza. Surely there’s got to be a decent place nearby.

* * *


After dropping Ellie off at my hotel, my driver takes me to the office, where there’s a shit-ton of work waiting for me. My capo, Razoul, is waiting for me, a smirk on his face.

“Heard you took the little mouse back to Kansas to get her things.”

I grunt as I sit. He’s the only person in this world that I will allow to call her by my pet name. Anyone else would have their tongue cut out before the words left their mouth.

He sits across from me, kicking his boots up on the edge of the desk. “Does she know you’re the one who put it in Jasmine’s ear to have her help?”

Grabbing a folder and pen, I answer, “I doubt my own wife even remembers.”

“Should I expect to be making a trip to Kansas soon?”

I glare at him, but don’t respond. He’s trying to goad me, and it’s not going to work. Okay, maybe it’s working a little. Fucking Tyrell Kelly. My hand itches to pull out my knife, but I don’t. Now’s not the time for that. Not yet, at least.


He hums. “That’s surprising. I was sure there’d be some friend or coworker you’d want me to take care of.”

I drop the folder on my desk. “Is there a point to this conversation?”

“You know how I feel, my friend. I say fuck the little mouse and get her out of your system before your wife takes notice.”

My cock twitches, as if agreeing with Razoul.

“And what in the fuck do you think would happen after? She wears every fucking emotion on her face. The guilt alone would eat her alive.”

“Pay her off, send her away, and forget about her. Wouldn’t be the first time you’ve done it.”

“This would be different.”

Tags: Sarah Bale Romance