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“I’m —”

“You’re supposed to be his best friend,” I almost scream, going up on my tiptoes. “You’re supposed to look out for him. You’re supposed to make sure that he’s okay. You’re supposed to —”

Suddenly, all my words die.

They dissolve in my throat. They turn to ash.

As I feel a searing rush of heat flowing through my veins.

And I realize it’s because he’s touching me.

Gripping me.

My wrist.

His long, dusky fingers are wrapped around my pale skin and as jarring as the contrast is, as jarring as the burn of his skin on my skin is, it’s even breathtaking that I’m touching him too.

That I was the one who started it.

By putting my hands on his wide chest.

I don’t know when I did that.

I don’t know when my hands shot up and went to him and when my fingers fisted his t-shirt. And in a tight grip too because my knuckles are white and my nails are digging into my palms.

“I’m not,” he rumbles.

And it’s so low and thick that his chest vibrates.

Even the ground shakes beneath my feet, or at least it feels like it.

“What?” I whisper.

His fingers tighten around my wrist. “His best friend.”

I suck in a breath.

“I’m not even his friend.”

“I-I don’t understand.”

Those burning eyes of his narrow and his grip goes from tight to almost painful. “You didn’t think that you were the only one, did you?”


“That you were the only fucking one who made the biggest mistake of their life that night. You didn’tthink,” he growls, “that you’re the only one fuckingpayingfor it.”

But I…

That’s what I thought, yeah.

That isexactlywhat I thought.

That I’m the only one.

That I was the one banished from Lucas’s life while he got to stay.

While Lucas cut me off, I thought Reign got the chance to make up for his mistake. They go to the same college. They play on the same team. Of course, Reign must’ve used it to his advantage and fixed his friendship with Lucas.

Tags: Saffron A. Kent St. Mary's Rebels Romance