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“You’re going with me.”


“Yeah, you are.”


“You really want me to drag you out of here like a five-year-old, don’t you?”

His mouth quirks up in a humorless smile. “One, you aren’t capable of dragging me out of anywhere. And two,” another pull of beer, “it depends.”

“On fucking what?”

He glances at me for a second before throwing another dart. “On whether or not you’ve decided to play my babysitter for the night.”

“I prefer bodyguard, but it’s your call,” I shoot back. “You’re the kid here who doesn’t know when to stop.”

He chuckles. “Well, I learned from the best, didn’t I?”

He did though.

I taught him all this, partying, drinking, smoking.

Being the stubborn shithead he’s being.

I’m regretting that though.

“Listen —”

“And now you won’t get to play with the chick I brought you. They’re both mine.”

“They’re both gone.”

That gives him a pause. “What?”

“I sent them away.”

He looks around to confirm and when he does, he comes back to me. “Fuck you, man. I was gonna let you have the blonde one.”

“They were both blondes.”

That gives him pause also. As if he didn’t know that himself.

He probably didn’t.

Given how fucked up he is right now.

Then, shrugging, “Whatever. They talked too much anyway. Not in the mood to go through the motions and have a conversation before getting my dick sucked.”


“Yeah, kinda like you when you open your mouth.”


I’m the asshole between the two of us. Understood.

“Now that we’ve established that we’re both charming,” I try again, “I think it’s time —”

Tags: Saffron A. Kent St. Mary's Rebels Romance