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God, it makes me so happy.

It makes me overjoyed that they have a relationship now. A good one at that. The kind two brothers should have, where they support each other and include each other in the happenings of their lives. But more than that I’m overjoyed by the fact that the guy I love finally admitted to loving the sport that he was forced into.

It took a while and a lot of nagging from me, but he got there.

For the record, I always knew that he would.

I had faith. Plus he promised me four months ago that he’d try. That he’ll believe, and I knew he never breaks his promises.

So this is perfect, this moment.

The only thing that would make it more perfect is if I wasn’t sitting where I am. Between the two people who I think secretly want to sit together, Homer and Maple.

Only the problem is that if they had been sitting together, Homer would be rigid as a rock and Maple wouldn’t breathe at all, which would probably lead to her fainting and maybe more.

It’s very strange.

Their dynamic.

My boyfriend — I love saying that — thinks that if Homer doesn’t feel the same for Maple, then he should break off the engagement and let her move on. ButIthink that he pines for her too. He just never makes a move and I wonder why.

I’ve often thought about interfering because I know how it feels when you love someone but you hold yourself back for whatever reason. But of course, he has forbidden me to do anything. He thinks it’s none of our business, their relationship, and that they’re both adults and they will sort this out on their own.

I personally don’t think so.

Ithink people need help from time to time, a nudge in the right direction. So when the game’s over — 3-0, in favor of his team — I’m quick to get out of the stands, leaving them both behind to contend with each other. Maple gives me a look, but I wink at her and mouth ‘good luck.’ Her furiously blushing cheeks and glare are the last things I see before I turn around and start making my way to the spot where I’m supposed to meet up with him.

Although I’ve said it to him a million times before, that he doesn’t need to cut short his interviews or conversations after the game to come to me, he still does. He’s probably the very first player to get out of the locker room and leave.

So I quickly make my way through the slow-moving crowd and reach the locker room entrance just as the steel doors are bursting open. I’m already grinning with joy, ready to congratulate him by jumping into his arms, when I see that it’s not him.

It’s his best friend.

Or rather, ex-best friend. Or better yet, the guy who should never have been his friend to begin with.

My smile falls off and he comes to a jarring halt at the sight of me.

Of course, this isn’t the first time I’m seeing Lucas. He goes to this college. He plays for the team and since I attend every game, I do see him around. But this is the first time that I’ve stumbled upon him like this, when it’s just him and me.

And I have to say that it makes me nauseous.

Also angry.

As angry as I was on that night.

Needless to say that my fury at him hasn’t calmed even in four months. I still remember his cruelty, his sheer evilness when he accused Reign of such a heinous crime. Which makes me think — and I think about this often enough — that this must be way worse for Reign, running into Lucas all the time, playing with him, sharing a locker room with him.

Not that the guy I love has ever said anything about that, but still. It sucks that Reign has to see Lucas around all the time. And as much as I’m dreading our impending separation, I want it to come faster so Reign doesn’t have to see him anymore. Because Lucas is probably staying in New York.

“Hey,” he says, his gym bag slung over his shoulder, rubbing his hands together to ward off the chill.

While I’m burning and seething in my pink peacoat.

I take a step back from him in response, remaining silent.

When he understands that I’m not going to say anything, his mouth curls up in a small lopsided smile. “Well, it’s good to see you too.” Then, “You’re waiting for him, I presume.”

“Always,” I say, which I do get sounds a little childish.

Tags: Saffron A. Kent St. Mary's Rebels Romance