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For being expelled from that boarding school.

The whole manor is abuzz with the news that the second son of the Davidsons finally got expelled for having drugs in his dorm room. Marijuana. Since this was his like, tenth offense or whatever, no amount of donation or Davidson influence could save him. And his dad is furious. So sending him to Bardstown High West is his way of teaching him a lesson. Sort of like going from riches to rags for not appreciating the riches.

So he isn’t here for only a couple of days or the weekend, he’s home forever.

And I’m going to see him, not only on the estate, but also around campus. Because we share one with the high school.

I’m also going to see his best friend, Lucas.

Because he’s back too.

Lucas Wayne.

Actually, he’s more than his best friend.

Lucas is Reign’s brother, or rather the brother he never had, even though he does have a brother, Homer. But not only is Homer eight years older than Reign, he’s never home and so Homer and Reign have never been close. In fact, Homer finds his younger brother as disappointing as the rest of their family.

Anyway, Lucas and Reign are inseparable and have been since the age of eight.

Where one goes the other follows.

What one does, the other does as well.

Which means that if Reign was caught with drugs, Lucas was caught too and so he was expelled as well. And since Lucas’s dad — his mom died when he was little, according to the manor gossip — is great friends with Reign’s dad, they decided to send their son to the same poor public school for punishment.

So yeah.

That’s what happened to me today.

The guy who I haven’t been able to stop thinking about for a year is back. And he’s back for good. And I’d be super happy about the news. I’d be overjoyed, ecstatic, thrilled and positively giddy about the news if he hadn’t done what he had done.

If he hadn’t said what he’d said.

Servant girl.

He thinks I’m a servant girl.

He thinks that I’m the wrong crowd.

And it would’ve been okay. It would’ve been totally fine, if he’d only said that. But then he had to go and insult my mom and dad, with his stupid chef and lawnmower comment.

I mean, what does that mean?

Why did he do that?

And if that’s what he thinks about me, then why give me that gift?

Why give me the stupid anklet?

You know what, I’m going to give it back. I’m going to just… throw it at his arrogant, smug face and then demand an explanation.

Demand to know what his problem is.

That stupid, idiot jerk.

That Bandit.


Tags: Saffron A. Kent St. Mary's Rebels Romance