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Well, they’re smart, aren’t they?

I shake my head as I finish typing and hit send.

Servant Girl

They think you seduced me that night but we know that that’s not what happened. They won’t listen to me though. I’ve tried to explain it to them so many times. But I’m going to show them. I’m going to prove it to them that you didn’t do anything. You didn’t do anything alone. I’m going to fix it, Reign. I’m going to fix it all. What my parents think of you. Your friendship with Lucas. Everything.



Fuck no.

Haven’t I already told you that? All you need to worry about right now is yourself. I don’t need you to fix anything for me.

Except maybe toning down a little of your drama. Because all I did was buy you a fucking phone with a bunch of books on it. You don’t have to drench me in your thankful tears.

I don’t even flinch at this.

At the barrage of his rude texts.

One, because I know — for sure — that he’s deliberately doing that, to put me off. And good thing that he didn’t call my phone a ‘piece of shit’ again. Or Ireallywould’ve drenched him in tears. Just to annoy him.

And second, because something else comes to me in this moment.

Something about that night.

The night my dad pounced on Reign.

I remember everything about it, all the chaos, all the mess. But for some reason, it’s only now that I’m realizing that all the commotion had come from everyone else but him.

My mom was screaming at my dad.Iwas screaming at my dad, and my dad was screaming at him.

But this rude guy on the other side of the phone, somewhere across town, didn’t say a single word.

He was silent. And he was passive.

He took it all. Whatever my dad said to him. Whatever he did.

Servant Girl

Why didn’t you do anything? That night.


Do what?

Servant Girl

When my dad grabbed you. When he was threatening you. You didn’t say a single thing. You just took it all. Why? You’re the boss. You could’ve done anything. Why didn’t you?

I wait for his reply.

But it never comes.

Seconds pass. Minutes. With no reply forthcoming.

As disappointing as his silence is, I don’t need him to tell me why.

Tags: Saffron A. Kent St. Mary's Rebels Romance