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“Can’t what? Can’t want me?”

“Idon’twant you. I should hate you.”

“The two things aren’t mutually exclusive, sweetheart.”

I’d only ever been gentle with Jodie. Even times where she’d wanted me to spank her or choke her, I’d struggled with it. I’d never wanted to cause her any harm. But the gentleness that had existed inside me when she’d been alive had vanished upon her death. Now, I was pure anger and hate personified. I wanted Rasmus to see how I’d degraded and used his daughter. I wanted her to be ruined in his eyes. If I had to kill her in the end, he’d know her final days had been spent pleasing me, and he’d experience the same pain I’d been in these past few months.

As was my side of the deal, I stilled again, placing everything in her court. She groaned and squirmed underneath me. The tip of my cock rested inside her, and I felt every tiny movement she made.

“Don’t pretend like you don’t want this,” I growled.

“I don’t want this.”

“Liar. Would it make you feel better if you fought me a little, huh? If you were able to tell yourself that I forced you?”

Her eyes met mine. “I don’t want to fight you anymore.”

“Then fuck me.”

I ducked my head and kissed her hard, claiming her, and pushing my tongue inside her mouth. She groaned and kissed me back, and her hips rose. I kept still, allowing her to push herself up on me, and she did. I shunted the head of my cock inside her.

“Oh God, Leo,” she gasped against my mouth. “Do it. Fuck me.”

I sank deeper, feeling her tight walls clamp around me. Fucking hell. I loved that no man had ever been here before.

“This is mine now,” I told her. “You understand that, don’t you? I took you so now this pussy belongs to me.”

“Yes, it’s yours. I’m all yours.”

I met a point of resistance and gritted my teeth, pushing through. She gave a little cry of pain and twisted her face to one side.

I reached between us to thumb her clit. Her pussy clenched around me again, and her back arched. Her hands found my arse, and she clawed her nails into my skin, pulling me closer. She might have protested, but her body language told me she was begging for it.

Though I wanted to pound into her with everything I had, I managed to hold back for a little longer. I wanted her to get used to the sensation of being filled with a man’s dick—mydick.

My fingers worked her clit, moving faster, and she responded, urging me on. I started with a slow rhythm, drawing out before shunting back in, but quickly sensed she wanted more. I grabbed her hands with one of mine and pinned them above her head. I kissed her neck, sucking at the bruises of my fingerprints, and then bit her again. I loved seeing my teeth marks on her skin. She bucked beneath me and cried out. She was so wet, her pussy juice had dribbled down the crease between her bottom and her thighs.

Unable to hold back any longer, I fucked her hard. She met me with every thrust, so we slammed together, the room filled with the sound of our skin slapping.

I sensed her on the crest of climax just as I reached my own. She threw her head back, letting out the most beautiful cry I’d ever heard, and her pussy contracted around me. Power surged up my cock, and I drained into her, pleasure making my eyes roll.

I half collapsed on top of her, my dick still nestled inside her. Her breasts pressed to my chest, and I could feel her heartbeat against my skin. Our breathing slowed together, and I was bitterly tempted to just hold her in my arms so we could nap like that, with me still inside her, and her face resting against my chest.

No, that was dangerous thinking. I had fucked her because I’d taken her and I wanted to hurt her father, that was all. I wasn’t about to start getting attached.

I forced myself to pull away. I removed the condom, throwing it in the bin, and got to my feet.

I threw her a towel. “Clean yourself up.”

She pushed herself to sitting and wrapped her arms around her body. I spotted blood on the towel beneath her.

I stepped into the shower and washed myself down, then dried off. I picked my clothes back up and pulled them on. Finally, I picked up my gun from where I’d left it on the chair and tucked it into the waistband of my trousers. It occurred to me that I’d taken a risk just leaving it there while she was free to move around. Had I trusted her not to grab it and try to run?

Kaja was still sitting on the floor, the towel around her now.

“I’ll get you something to wear.”

I’d left the clothes I’d bought her in the car. In my rush upon finding the cabin door open and Kaja missing, I hadn’t given any thought to bringing the stuff inside with me. I went to my vehicle, located the bag, and took it back to Kaja.

Tags: Marissa Farrar Romance