Page 65 of Sinners Consumed

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Not because you’re lured in by lies and shackled by deception, but because once you’re in these damn restraints and your captor walks away with the key, you’re fucking stuck here forever.

I’m not stupid; I know it won’t get easier. I can only hope I’ll get better at hiding the chains.

The flames roar from the fireplace, their heat reaching out and grazing the front of my slacks. I stare down at the burning logs and take a sip of coffee. The finest Colombian blend, but it tastes as bitter as me.

Heavy footsteps echo through the walls, then Angelo darkens the living room doorway, his coat slung over his forearm.

Dry amusement lights his gaze. “And there I was, thinking I’d never see you in tailoring again.” I stare back at him. As he searches my blank expression, his humor dims like a candle slowly starved of oxygen. “You ready?”

Gritting my teeth, I turn back to the fire and pull the deck of cards from my pocket. Give them a lazy shuffle.

We both know he’s not asking if I’m ready to drive over to Cove, but rather, if I’m ready to beback.

Of course I’m not, but I can’t fester on the sofa with a bowl of candy balancing on my stomach forever. She’sgone.Just like I needed her to be.

I just didn’t think she’d take my entire center with her.

“Born ready,” I say dryly, brushing my thumb over the deck to create a satisfyingthawp.

Angelo’s stare bores into my cheek for a few moments before he walks out of the room.

I shift my focus to the bay windows. There are three armored sedans and a cluster of well-worn men loitering around them. Gabe got me stabbed by our least-favorite cousin then fucked off the face of the planet. Clearly, his lackeys don’t know what to do with themselves in his absence, so they’ve joined the security team he assigned me.

Now that she’s gone, I shouldn’t need all the extra protection.

With a steadying breath, I give the cards another shuffle and fan them in my hand, face-down. I select one at random. If it’s the Ace of Spades—the luckiest card in the deck—maybe forcing her out of my life will feel like less of a massive fuck-up.

With a flick of my wrist, I’m looking down at a different card.

Letting out a hiss, I toss it into the fire and stroll out the room, leaving the Queen of Hearts to melt into the flames.

“There you are!”

I stop in the foyer and glance up the stairs. Rory stands at the top of them, dog in one hand, a bundle of fluffy fabric in the other. “Guess what? I bought us wearable blankets! Look!” She lowers Maggie to the ground and holds out what looks like an oversized hoodie. “They’ve got pockets! I can put Maggie in mine, and you can put the snacks in yours.” She pauses, watching her dog bound down the stairs and paw at my feet. “Or you can carry Maggie. She likes those ear scritches you give her.”

“Sorry sis, our snacking and binge-watching days are over.” Stooping down to ruffle the dog’s curls, I flash Rory an apologetic smile. “I’m back to work, and back on the steamed broccoli and chicken.”

She frowns. Runs an eye down the sharp crease of my slacks, like she’s only just noticed I’m not in sweatpants and ugly socks. Her confusion melts into delight. “Penny’s back?”

My throat tightens at the sound of her name. “No.”

“Then why the flamingo are you in a suit?”


She glares at me like she’s hoping I’ll catch fire in the middle of the entry. “I’ve watched three seasons ofReal Housewives of Beverly Hillswith you. Let you eat my good snacks, let you pet Maggie. Do you think I was doing that to help you get over Penny?”

I shake my head in disbelief. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“That’s because you’re an idiot. When you first showed up at our door, I told Angelo I wanted youout.But then I walked in on you watching the same football game on repeat, and I realized you were just in that in-between stage. You know, the bit that comes after deciding you can’t be with her, but before the part where you realize you can’t live without her?”

She crosses her arms, sneering at my suit. “The only reason you should be dressed nicely and leaving this house is because you’ve had that realization. And, like, now you’re rushing to the airport to stop her boarding a flight. Or, I don’t know, running to the church to stop her from marrying another man.”

My eyes narrow. “Penny’s getting married?”

Rory slaps her palm against her forehead. “Christ, Rafe. You’re really testing my patience this morning. Have you never watched a romance movie? Yougoing back to workis not your Happy Ever After. You’re missing a few steps. Like, realizing that against all odds, you’ll still make it work, then doing a big dramatic declaration of love. Only then do you get your Happy Ever After.” She pauses before adding, “With Penny.”

I let out a bitter laugh. “Sorry to break it to you, but life isn’t like how it is in the movies.”

Tags: Somme Sketcher Romance