Page 37 of Sinners Consumed

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I’d kill him without a second thought, and definitely not with my gun.

My mood darkens the more I ponder it. Then it flashes midnight-black when I remember her words in the hot tub last night.I’m saving blowjobs for marriage.If she was trying to piss me off while I was balls-deep inside her, it worked.

I’m deranged. Despite knowing this is temporary,hasto be temporary, I know I’d give this girl the world on a silver platter, if she just saidpleaselike she does now when she wants to come.

The ironic thing is that she doesn’t want the world. She doesn’t even want me to be soft with her. I’ve killed for her, broken my rules for her. Fuck, ruined my hands for her. Yet while I’m going crazy thinking of ways I can brand her for longer than that temporary tattoo lasts, she’s talking about the future with the same kind of indifference as one talking about the weather. Plus, she’s flying through theFor Dummiesbooks I bought her, looking for something,anything,to do aside from stay on my yacht and fuck me.

Running my tongue over my teeth, I zoom in on her pussy again, and all my anger runs into a liquid heat and slides south. I adjust my slacks and tap out a response.

Me:You really want me to fuck you hard tonight, huh?

Her response is quick and irritating: a fuckingyawnemoji.

Me:Those lips are mine, Penny.

I toss my cell on the table in finality. I’ve decided to stop asking her who her pussy belongs to and just fucking tell her until she believes it.

My cell buzzes and I immediately snatch it back up.

Penny:Which pair?

I pause.

Me:Not the ones on your face.

Me:They’re too expensive.

Penny:You can pay me in installments over a six-month period with an APR of 5.8%. How about that, sugar daddy?

I laugh aloud. When I left her a few hours ago, she was in the library readingInvestments for Dummies,and clearly, she’s soaked something up.

My skin prickles with sudden awareness: The room has fallen silent and all eyes are on me. Wiping away my smirk, I glance up at Angelo simmering at the head of the table.

“Griffin and his knock-knock jokes,” I say dryly, putting my cell in my jacket pocket. “They get me every time.”

Angelo’s jaw ticks. “Were you even listening to anything I just said?”

No.“Of course.”

“And what do you think we should do about it?”

I pause. “Rocket warhead.”

Cas laughs into his whiskey, and even Gabe’s lips tilt.

“Cazzo,if you weren’t sexting, you’d know we were talking about the Visconti Grand,” Angelo says tensely. “I thought you of all people would be interested in what becomes of it, considering the casino alone takes over eight-hundred-million dollars a year.”

“Mm. It wouldn’t if I got my hands on it.”

With my current luck, there’d be debt collectors banging on the door after a month. I smirk at the irony of it. I’m the great Raphael Visconti, the king of casinos. Everything I touch used to turn to gold. Now, it just rusts under my fingertips.

Bored with my brother’s glare and itchy to get back within reaching distance of Penny’s ass, I rise to my feet and rap my ring against the table.

“This meeting could have been an email. Someone send me the CliffsNotes.”

As I pass Angelo, his gaze drops to my hand. “Make that plan, brother,” he mutters, just loud enough for me to hear.

His words squeeze my throat, but I stroll into the hall like they didn’t.

Tags: Somme Sketcher Romance