Page 33 of Sinners Consumed

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“And what is this?”

I give our dinner a careless glance. “Slop.”

He smirks. “Please tell me you didn’t attempt to cook a hot-blooded Italian man a lasagna?”

But I’m barely listening. My mind is still stuck on the idea of kissinghim, and suddenly, I can’t concentrate on anything else.

Fuck this. The art of persuasion has gotten me six-figure timepieces and bulging wallets, and I can’t persuade this one man to commit the modest act of putting his lips to mine?

Time to amp up the pressure.

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I twist around so I’m straddling him. His eyes narrow in suspicion, but when I lean back just enough for my breasts to bob out of the water, his expression melts into something more pliable.

“I kiss better than I cook,” I whisper, rolling my hips so my pussy glides over the length of his dick.

My skin dances as he palms my thighs and grips my ass cheeks. “Yeah?”

I lean in, bringing my face so close to his, our lips are a hair’s breadth apart. “Yeah.”

When he closes the gap even more, my breathing shallows. My ears roar with a mix of heavy rainfall and my racing heartbeat.He’s really going to do it.

His lips graze against mine. “Prove it.”

We breathe in each other’s air for a moment, the sparks ofwhat if’sandmaybe so’sdancing between us.

I’m buzzing off the anticipation, but I feign enough nonchalance to say, “Okay.”

He leans back against the side, spreading his arms out like a fucking king. There’s that satisfied smirk again, the one I’ve grown used to over the last week. I see it every time my Princess Peach avatar crashes out of the race. “Okay.”

Letting out a shaky breath, I follow his retreat, pushing in between his thighs. I slide my fingers into the nape of his hair. The last thing I see before my mouth moves to his is the darkening of his gaze. Before our lips touch, I veer off course and plant a soft kiss on his dimple. Because of his own sleazy tactics, I know full well a kiss anywhere but the lips doesn’t count.

His stomach tenses against mine, then releases with a sardonic chuckle. “You’re a fucking tease, you know that?”

Instead of replying, I turn my attention to his throat. Tugging on his short hair just enough to pull his head back, I kiss his pulse how I want to kiss his lips. Slowly,sloppily.A soft lick with my tongue and a hard suck with my mouth. As his hot hiss coasts over the shell of my ear, I make a porn-like noise, one I’m not sure is only for theatrics.

His cock stirs between my thighs, and the thought of him getting hard off a school-girl trick makes me drunk on a cocktail of lust and power. I pull away to tease him about it, but his hand shoots out and grabs my neck. He watches me in silence, a tightness to his jaw and a fire in his eye. When he speaks, his tone is calm.

“You’re fucked, Queenie.”


He chases me to the other side of the hot tub, grabbing my ankle and pulling me back into the water when I try to escape over the side. He pins me against the bench with his hard body. When I make a pathetic attempt to push him off, he grabs both my wrists, holds them above my head, and presses his nose against mine.

Despite the chill coasting down my arms and breasts, I’m hot all over. Flashing me a look of pure venom, Rafe’s head dips between his shoulders and his mouth latches onto my breast, giving it an angry suck before scraping his teeth over my nipple. All the nerve endings in my pussy flare up, desperate formore.

I push my tits against his face in a silent plea, receiving his groan of approval. His grip tightens on my wrists, and as I throw my head back, the sight of his muscles and tendons flexing in his forearms as he restrains me drives mecrazy.

Before I can think about it, I wrap my legs around his waist, lick up the length of his bicep, and sink my teeth into his muscle.

“Fuck,” he hisses, letting my arms fall. “Did you justbiteme?”

I look at him seriously. “You know what they say. Eat the rich.”

He stares at me in disbelief for a beat, then his eyes spark violently. His hands grip my hips. “That’s it, Queenie. Turn around.”

My body reacts before my brain can. Before my brain even knows what the fuck I’m doing, let alonewhy.I tighten my thighs around his waist, but when he twists me harder, I slip off him. The only way I can stop myself from turning is lifting my foot up and slamming it into his chest. My ass slides off the seat and my head dunks under water.

Rafe’s hands slide under my armpits and put me back to rights. His amused expression melts into realization when he meets my eyes.

Tags: Somme Sketcher Romance