Page 73 of Discovery

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“Will you get in trouble if people do know?” Edie swallowed, lowering her eyes. “We don’t want to get you into trouble.”

We? Oh, bless her. “No, I wouldn’t get into trouble. Nobody is doing anything wrong here. But when we’re at school, I’m Ms Baker first and foremost.”


“Eggs are ready! Who wants to eat?” Hannah arrived at the table with a stack of pancakes and eggs on a separate plate. “Bacon is coming now.”

“Bacon, too? I could get used to this.” Caroline winked in Edie’s direction, garnering a smile from her student. It meant a lot to know that Edie supported them in this, but Caroline shouldn’t be surprised. Edie was a shining example of what she hoped for with her kids at school. At home, she was only sweeter. More vocal.


Caroline swallowed as her eyes drifted to Edie. She hadn’t called her Ms Baker. “Yes, Edie?”

“Thanks for making Mum happy.”

“Thank you both for inviting me into your home the way you have.”


“Please,alwaysremind me how much I hate food shopping!” Caroline dropped three bags onto the worktop, smiling as she spun around to find Hannah watching her. If she hadn’t noticed the car outside, Caroline would have been shocked as she walked through the door. She hadn’t known Hannah would be here already. “It’s your turn next time.”

A week on from Edie walking in on them, and Hannah was spending the weekend at Caroline’s. Being with one another at any given opportunity had just become normal, natural. Edie had left for her dad’s this morning, her weekend bag in tow as she went to school beforehand, and hugged them both as Caroline had stayed over. For the last three mornings, Caroline had woken up at Hannah’s.

Yes, she considered things moving too fast, but Hannah and Edie made her happy. Why deprive herself of that feeling? Why, after the dreadful few years she’d had alone, would she want to spend minimal time with the people who meant so much to her?

“Never mind the shopping. I have the entire weekend with you!” Hannah wrapped her arms around Caroline’s waist, moving into a lingering kiss. “God, you taste so good.”

Caroline smiled against Hannah’s lips. “What are you after?”

“You.” Hannah grinned, holding Caroline at arm’s length by the waist. “You seem different today. What’s going on?”

“Nothing. I’ve just had a good week at work, and I’ve come home to you. What could possibly be better than that?”


Caroline had slipped her spare key into Hannah’s hand two evenings ago, not expecting her to use it any time soon. But walking through the door to the smell of home-cooked food, the dining table set, Caroline couldn’t help but be thrilled by it. “I didn’t expect you to be here.”

“I said I was spending the weekend with you.” Hannah frowned, turning her attention back to the stove. “Didn’t I?”

“Yes. You did. I just assumed you’d call me once you were home and let me know what time you’d be coming over.”

Hannah’s hand stilled mid-stir. “Shit. I’m sorry. I didn’t think you’d mind if I let myself in.”

“No, it’s not that. Not at all.”

“Sorry, babe. I should have called.” Hannah lowered the sauce on the stove to a simmer, turning back to Caroline. “I just thought with you giving me your spare key, you know…”

“I want you here. Stop worrying.” Wow, this made a change from Hannah reassuring Caroline. “I didn’t expect you to be here, that’s all. But am I happy you are? God, yes.”

“I was only working a half day, so I thought if I came over early and started dinner, it was one less thing for you to worry about when you got in from work.”

Caroline swooned all over again for Hannah. This…was her dream. She took Hannah in her arms, swaying them to the music that played low through the radio. “You’re too good to me.”

“You’ve been working all week. I’ve only been in three days. It’s the least I can do.”

“Well, thank you. I appreciate it.”

“Edie texted before. Dylan and Yvonne had a little gift waiting for her when she got there. With the baby scan. She’s so happy.”

Tags: Melissa Tereze Romance