Page 71 of Discovery

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Hannah glanced at Caroline. Thank God they were both covered up. Caroline just stared...right through Edie.

But Edie didn’t appear to care that her teacher was in bed with her mum. “Yvonne is having a baby, Mum. I always wanted a sister or brother.”

“That’s wonderful, love. Tell her congratulations from me, okay?”

“I will. She’s getting me a picture printed out when they go today for a scan thingy.” Edie stepped further into the room, perching herself on the edge of Hannah’s bed.

“Why, uh...why are you home early?”

“Because Yvonne has an appointment with the doctor. Dad has to take her because she keeps vomiting and doesn’t want to drive.” Edie lifted a shoulder, resting her ankle on her knee. “I haven’t had breakfast yet.”

“Well, I’ll be down in ten minutes to make you some.”

“Kay.” Edie shrugged. “Ms Baker, are you staying for breakfast?”

“I...” Caroline cleared her throat when Hannah ran her thumb across her knuckles. “Yes, I’ll be here for breakfast.”

“Great.” Edie got to her feet, shrugging her coat off as she approached the door. “I’ll put the kettle on for you both. Tea or coffee, Ms Baker?”

Caroline puffed out her cheeks. “Coffee would be lovely, but Edie?”


“You don’t need to call me Ms Baker when I’m here. Caz will be fine.”

Edie grinned, her gaze switching between Hannah and Caroline. “Really happy for you, Mum.”

And then Edie was gone, a whirlwind passing through momentarily. Caroline released a long slow breath, sinking down the bed until her head was under the covers.

“Well, that went well...”

“Your daughter has just caught me in bed with you. Her teacher.” Caroline groaned as she rolled onto her side, taking the cover with her and cocooning herself.

Hannah, very naked, shot from the bed and closed the bedroom door, flicking the lock on the back as she turned back to face the bed. “Caz, this is the best outcome we could have hoped for. I mean, Edie didn’t even bat an eyelid.”

Caroline flung back the covers, blowing her hair from her face. “I’m. Mortified.”

“Could have been worse, babe. She could have walked in while my head was between your legs.”

Caroline shot bolt upright, a look of complete horror on her gorgeous face. “Oh, my God. I’d have died. On the spot, Hannah...I’d have died.”

“It would have been a good way to go, though, right?” Hannah winked, and then she flung herself forward onto the bed, landing in front of Caroline. “Come on. Stop worrying. Edie bloody loves you.”

“This can work, right?” Caroline swallowed, a slight frown line present between her brows. “How Edie was then… It wasn’t just shock?”

“No. She’s happy. I know she is. If she’d been upset, she would have turned around and walked out.” Hannah grinned, her body thrumming with the excitement of what this meant for them. Edie knew…and she didn’t hate it. “Please stay for breakfast. I know you probably want to run out the door so you can process this, but stay for breakfast at least.”

“I’ll be here. Don’t worry.”

* * *

With a steady handplaced on the wall beside her, Caroline took the stairs slowly, shaking all panic she could from her body. Edie…had caught her in bed with Hannah. It would have been humiliating whether she was Edie’s teacher or not, but knowing the relationship they had with one another outside of this house…yeah, it was damn right humiliating.

But now, she had to put on a brave face and answer any questions Edie had for them. Perhaps she wouldn’t have a single one. Or maybe Caroline would still be here at three this afternoon answering Edie. Who knew?

She heard giggling and the sound of cutlery, but it didn’t help to settle Caroline. Because the unknown was there waiting for her. Potentially ready to ruin all of this.

“Ms Baker!” Edie pulled out a chair for Caroline, her smile wide. “I’ve set the table; you can sit here.”

Tags: Melissa Tereze Romance