Page 54 of Discovery

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“Howdoyou know her? I asked Ms Baker the other week, and she said you weren’t friends.”

Hannah puffed out a breath. “We’ve known one another for a few months. We have the same friends.”

Okay, she didn’t like this. Lying to her daughter had never been something Hannah imagined herself doing, but she couldn’t come right out with the truth. She at least needed to discuss it with Caroline first. “So we’re kinda friends, but not good friends.”

At least that part was true. Because they weren’t friends in the ordinary sense. No, they were lovers. And sweet Jesus could Caroline make love. Those gentle hands, once they gained a little confidence, really knew what Hannah’s body craved. And when Caroline had gone down on her last weekend, Hannah hadn’t known it was possible to feel so euphoric. Caroline was a wonderful lover…


“Sorry, what?” Hannah snapped out of her aroused thoughts, holding a blush at bay. She really had to refrain from doing that when her daughter was around.

“I said will you call her and ask her?”

“You want to invite her over tonight?” Hannah frowned. “It’s a little late to ask someone over for dinner now, Edie. She probably has plans.”

“Yeah.” Edie smiled weakly. “Never mind. It was a stupid idea anyway.”

Hannah’s heart broke a little seeing her daughter miserable. Caroline really had left an impression on her. That could go one of two ways when the truth came out. Edie could be thrilled that her mum had found someone like Caroline, or she could be mortified and never speak to either of them again.

“Tell you what, I’ll give her a call. But you have to be prepared for the possibility of her already having plans. And if she does have plans, it’s not the end of the world…we can pick another day, okay?”

Edie’s eyes lit up. “Will you really?”

“Call her? Sure…” Okay, this may be a waste of time, but she’d score points with Edie if nothing else. Caroline did have plans; Hannah knew it. “You go and change out of your uniform, and I’ll give her a call.”

Edie threw her arms around Hannah, squeezing her. “Thanks, Mum. Love you.”

Hannah pressed a kiss to the top of Edie’s head, smiling as her hair tickled her nose. “Love you, too.”

Edie rushed out of the kitchen, suddenly turning back as she reached the door. She approached the dining table and lifted a pile of laundry, barely able to see above it. “I’ll take these up for you, Mum. Save you a trip.”

Hannah watched Edie go, shaking her head as she smiled. She really had raised her daughter better than she ever thought she would. Hannah hadn’t felt prepared when she found out she was pregnant at twenty, but her mum had been right. Shewasa natural.

Hannah took her phone from the counter, surprised to find a message waiting for her. It had been sent over an hour ago, but it was the fact it had been sent at all. She grinned as she read the words.

Missing you. Caz x

Hannah’s heart fluttered, leaving her slightly breathless. She couldn’t recall the last time anyone had missed her but hearing it from Caz instantly brightened her evening.

Hannah pressed the call icon above Caroline’s message, chewing her lip as she waited for the call to connect.

“Hi.” Caroline spoke low, her voice instantly arousing. “Did you get my message?”

“I did,” Hannah said, taking her call towards the back door and away from listening ears. “I’m missing you, too.”

“Yeah?” She felt Caroline smiling down the phone. “How was your day?”

“Busy…again. But I’m still loving it. Juliet is ruthless, but I kinda like that about her. I know where I stand then. You know?”

“Mm. Just don’t let her work you into the ground. I want a functioning girlfriend at the weekend.”

Hannah smirked as she rested against the wall by the utility room. “So, I know you have plans already, and that’s absolutely fine, but Edie asked me to call you.”

“Why?” Concern instantly grew in Caroline’s voice. “Is she okay? Did something happen at school again?”

“No, she’s fine. I mean, I think my kid loves you, but I can see why. She told me you stayed during lunch with her today to help her out.”

“Oh, yeah. It was nothing. She needed a hand with some maths work.”

Tags: Melissa Tereze Romance