Page 48 of Discovery

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“Hannah, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”

“Then let’s figure it out together.” She lifted Caroline’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “Let’s enjoy this and get to know one another.”

Caroline dragged a hand through her hair, puffing out her cheeks. “I’m not just any ordinary relationship material. I don’t want you to feel stuck when days are a little hard for me. When I’m unsure or my past creeps in. But I also want to get my life back on track.”

Hannah cupped Caroline’s face, smiling when Caroline leant into her touch. “If you want me, I’m here.”

Caroline’s eyes fluttered closed. “God, I do…”

“You said you wanted to explore,” Hannah paused, studying Caroline’s eyes. “But youdowant a serious relationship, don’t you? This isn’t just you having no-strings fun?”

“No. Never.”

“Then you should probably direct me to the wine glasses so we can get comfortable for the night.” Hannah pulled a bottle of red wine from her satchel.

“Y-you’re staying?” Hannah noted the suppressed excitement in Caroline’s eyes.

“Do you want me to?”

“I’d love you to...” Caroline’s voice dropped a little lower, something changing in her eyes.

Hannah could hazard a guess as to what that look was, but she would wait for Caroline to come to her in her own time. She leaned in, pressing her lips to Caroline’s. “I’m not going anywhere.”


Silence had never beenCaroline’s favourite part of the evening. Not when she was with Naomi, and not since she’d been alone. But tonight, as Hannah held her on the couch, silence was her best friend. It just felt right. It felt normal to not fill the air with meaningless words. They were both comfortable.

She placed a hand on Hannah’s stomach, not impressed that she had multiple layers on. But she had to admit, Hannah looked sexy in a business suit. Hannah looked sexy period. “How was your first week at your new job?”

“Amazing. Hard work, obviously, but it’s nice to be back doing something I enjoy.”

Caroline tilted her head where it rested against Hannah’s chest. “I’m proud of you.”


“Of course. I know you wanted something stable and suitable.”

Hannah lowered her lips to Caroline’s forehead, kissing her. “I couldn’t lose you. And I know you may not be entirely sure about that, but I mean it. I needed a job change so I could be with you.”

“Hannah, I’d never want orexpectyou to take a job because of me.”

“I know. I did it for us. Because I want there to be an us, Caz. Ineedthere to be an us.” Hannah lifted a hand, stroking her fingers through Caroline’s hair. “And if it would be okay with you, I’d likeusto go to bed soon.”

“To…bed.” Caroline tried to hide the anxiety she knew was present in her voice, but Hannah would understand. That was the beauty of this woman. She understood.

Without another word, Hannah sat up and urged Caroline back on the couch. She braced her hands against the arm of the couch, lowering herself to Caroline. “Don’t worry. We don’t have to do anything you’re not ready for. But I’d at least like to be comfortable while I kiss you for as long as I possibly can.” And then Hannah drew Caroline into one hell of a kiss, slipping her tongue into Caroline’s mouth. Her thigh rested between Caroline’s legs, perfectly placed in all honesty. “Can I do that? Kiss you for hours on end?”

“Y-yes.” Caroline couldn’t help how her body moved against Hannah’s thigh, and as she pulled back, Hannah smirked. “Sorry.”

“Don’t apologise.Neverapologise to me. If you need a little more, you take what you want.” Hannah nipped at Caroline’s bottom lip, their foreheads touching. “Are you wet for me, Caz?”

Caroline swallowed, her world spinning as Hannah spoke those words. If she hadn’t been, she certainly was now. “Yes.”

Hannah shifted from the couch slowly, taking Caroline’s hand and guiding her to her feet. “I think it’s time for that bed I mentioned, don’t you?”

As Caroline stared into Hannah’s eyes, she felt courage building inside her. Courage she should never have to muster up. Many years ago, Caroline would have torn Hannah’s clothes from her body long before now…but this wasn’t many years ago, and Caroline was an entirely different person now.

Still, there was no denying just how much she wanted this woman. God, she wanted her like she needed air to breathe. “Yes. I think it is time…”

Tags: Melissa Tereze Romance