Page 40 of Discovery

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Oh, Caroline wished… “No. Nothing quite as exciting as that. That didn’t work out, as I imagined would be the case.”

“Okay, so why didn’t you show last Friday?”

Honestly? Caroline had been worried she’d bump into Hannah. Or worse…Naomi. Rather than put herself through the potential pain of seeing either, she’d retreated to the bedroom with a book, not surfacing until Saturday when Joy called about lunch. “I wasn’t feeling up to it.”

“Right. I see.”

“But I had a great night with you and Sharon the other week. I’m simply not one for doing it weekly, you know.”

“Okay, so this Friday then? Since you’ve had a few weeks off from us.”

Damn it. Why did Brenda have to put her on the spot like that? Caroline never could say no when faced with something head-on. But this time, she felt different. She’d taken time to work on herself, and she guessed improving on that was about to begin now. “I can’t. I already have plans.”

“Oh, who with?” Brenda quirked an eyebrow.

“A book.”

Brenda groaned, stopping Caroline as they reached the staff room door. “Please tell me you’re not turning into one of those people?”

“What people?”

“Lonely. Happy with your own company. Unsociable.”

Caroline was actually fine with all of that. It sounded wonderful in her head. “I have a busy week coming up. Friday is the one night I enjoy having to myself. But the week after, I will definitely join you and Sharon at the bar.”

“Promise me?”

Caroline offered a single nod. “I promise.”

“Okay, well, that satisfies me.” Brenda grinned, stepping into the staff room. “Now come on. I’ll make us a cuppa while John bores us all to tears.”

* * *

Okay,this was more like it.

Hannah was on her lunch break, walking around the city while she pondered how delicious her lunch was going to be. If she could find an empty bench, she wouldn’t have to think about it much longer. Juliet had told her to take an hour today, giving Hannah the opportunity to process the impressive new job she had. Juliet really was wonderful, a brilliant boss and perhaps a friend. Hannah couldn’t thank her enough for giving her an opportunity to get out of escorting.

But this worked for her. And the pride Edie had in her eyes this morning as she dropped her daughter at the school gates was enough to make Hannah’s heart burst from her chest. Edie was her number one supporter; her admiration would always light up Hannah’s world.

Then there was Caroline.

For the last couple of weeks, Hannah had been to the local bar and Joy’s café. But Caroline hadn’t been around whenever Hannah was. She’d even sat in the bar the Friday before last for the entire night, hoping to bump into her. She had Caroline’s number from a previous conversation, but Hannah wasn’t sure it was wise to contact Caroline. Her sister had made it painfully clear that she wasn’t fond of her, even staring at her from behind the bar in the cafe for the last two Saturdays, and really…Hannah didn’t want to insert herself into Caroline’s life anymore if it wasn’t what she wanted.

It didn’t matter what Hannah, herself, wanted. Caroline was the most important person in all of this.

She spied a bench, rushing towards it and sitting down. The sun shone against her face as she tilted her head back and smiled, only a light breeze whipping around her as she unwrapped her chicken salad sandwich. Edie had taken the same thing for lunch, both of them preparing it last night when her daughter arrived home from spending the weekend with her dad. She didn’t like the idea of Edie sitting around at school earlier than she needed to be there, but Hannah wanted to be sure she arrived at Juliet’s office early this morning. It wouldn’t be required any other day, she didn’t think, but this morning had been important for her. It meant the end of working weekends…being in the company of someone she wouldn’t usually choose to spend her time with. Minus her stint with Caroline, of course. That woman could demand her attention time and time again.

Hannah bit into her sandwich, frowning when she focused on the woman walking towards her. Her heart fluttered in her chest…Caroline.She spoke animatedly on the phone, laughing as she strode along the pavement, the sun kissing her beautiful skin. Hannah wanted to look away, to run and hide, but she found herself staring at Caroline in her navy blue sleeveless dress, those shapely arms and legs naturally tanned and muscular. Her nude heels, that long dark hair flowing freely…God, this woman was a picture of perfection.

And then Caroline stopped dead as their eyes met, her lips parted slightly. She lowered her phone from her ear, offering the smallest of smiles. “H-hi.”

“Hi, Caz.” Hannah placed her sandwich back in her lunchbox, rubbing any crumbs from her hands.

“I, um…h-how are you?” Caroline asked, hesitantly taking another step towards Hannah. “You look well.”

“So do you,” Hannah said, her voice husky as she trailed her eyes up and down Caroline’s figure. She’d always loved curvy women; Caroline was no exception to that. “You’re not working today?”

“Yes. I’ve been in this morning.” Caroline explained, lowering her eyes to her phone. “I have an appointment with the doctor, and then I’m…” Caroline frowned, exhaling a breath. “Then I have a date.”

Tags: Melissa Tereze Romance