Page 106 of Discovery

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“I know how that feels. I always settled because I wanted Edie to be in some kind of routine. I always wanted to be seen to be doing the best for her. Now, right this second, IknowI’m doing the best for her. If I had to choose one woman in this entire world to bring into my daughter’s life…it’s you. Ten times over.”

“Thank you for loving me,” Caroline whispered as she leaned into a slow, lingering kiss. “Thank you for trusting me with Edie’s future.”

“Thereisno future for Edie and me without you, Caz. If you’re ever having those doubts you used to have, remember that.”

Caroline seemed to be far more at ease as the months passed them by. Hesitancy wasn’t commonplace in their relationship anymore. Okay, Hannahdidnotice if Caroline was having a reflective moment, usually brought on by something someone said or did, but it was fleeting.

“I haven’t had those doubts in a long time.”

“I know. But I want you to know that if you ever do have any doubts or you need a little reassurance, you can talk to me. We can talk it out together.”

Caroline touched her forehead to Hannah’s. “I haven’t had a single doubt about us since this got really serious. If I did, I wouldn’t be here with my life just unpacked from boxes. I wouldn’t be ready to take my two girls out to the pumpkin patch. I…wouldn’t be around.”

“I love you.” Hannah’s voice broke. Caroline often referred to Hannah and Edie as ‘her girls’. Her heart could barely take it each time it slid from her sensational lips. “The most stupid amount.”

“Oh, I’m still not sure that’s as much as I love you.”

Hannah sighed, kissing Caroline one last time before they had to get ready to leave. “Okay, we have to stop. If we don’t, Edie will be standing at my mum’s door waiting alongtime for us.”

* * *

“I have to say,Caz. This is all very romance-novelly.” Sharon nudged Caroline’s shoulder, winking. “But Hannah is lovely. And we already know how great Edie is.”

Caroline fought back the sigh she felt working its way to her lips. They really were both perfect. “Life is incredibly good.”

“I know. I see it.”

This had been a long time coming, going out with friends as a family. They’d considered it just being the three of them tonight, but Sharon had wanted to pick up a pumpkin for her new granddaughter, and Gail had insisted they come along so her daughter, Jenna, could spend some time with Edie. Since Hannah and Caroline had got together, Edie and Jenna had grown quite close. But that warmed Caroline. Hannah, too. It meant Edie was coming out of her shell a lot more.

“I was thinking of holding a dinner party in around a month or so. Can I count on you and Brenda to be there?”

Sharon’s eyes lit up. “Oh, absolutely. We’d love to come along.”

“Great. Now I just have to get Hannah on board. That should be fun.”

“What should be fun?” Hannah’s voice shocked Caroline, but that gentle arm around the waist quickly soothed her. “Are you plotting, babe?”

“I was thinking about having a dinner party.”

“Oh my God, yes. That’s a great idea.”

Caroline smiled when Hannah squeezed her hip. Enthusiasm was a normal part of her day now. “Wait, you do realise you have to help me in the kitchen and not just sit around chatting, don’t you?”

“I wouldloveto help you in the kitchen. This is going to be epic!”

“Well then, that’s settled.” Sharon smiled as she threw a thumb over her shoulder. “I should find Gail. I believe we’re having a competition with you, Hannah, and Edie. Something about who can collect the most unusual pumpkins.”

Caroline laughed. “Yes, it’s true. But we’re obviously going to win so I wouldn’t get too excited. Edie is brilliant at this kind of thing.”

Sharon folded her arms across her chest, a brow quirked. “Listen, little miss perfect family. We’re going to wipe the floor with you.”

Hannah laughed too that time, resting her head on Caroline’s shoulder. Really, it didn’t matter who won. Caroline already had the greatest prize. She had love and a family.

“That’s fighting talk, Sharon.” Hannah piped up as she took her phone from her pocket. “Oh, bugger. Adele isn’t going to make it to the pumpkin patch. She said to carry on without her and that she’ll see us at the restaurant at the planned time.”

“Okay. Then we should let the fun begin because I know Edie is already thinking about her steak later.”

Hannah stopped Caroline as she turned to walk away, resting her arms over Caroline’s shoulders. “I love you.”

Tags: Melissa Tereze Romance