Page 10 of Discovery

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Hannah lay beneath the cover,curled up with a romance novel she’d been meaning to start for several weeks. While she loved to live through characters, she’d much prefer to have her own little perfect romance. She’d raised her daughter to be respectful and intelligent, they had a beautiful home… Didn’t Hannah deserve someone to share those things with? Couldn’t she dream of the perfect life as she sat home alone and her years passed her by? Seems it was all she was capable of these days. Dreaming.

She turned the page, smiling when her favourite character finally went in for the first kiss. There was something about a first kiss, both in books and in real life. The unknown of it all. The taste of another woman’s lips. The pleasure, the suppleness, the yearning. Because in those moments before a first kiss, a kiss you prayed for with the woman who meant something to you…that yearning was definitely present. And then, within seconds, that yearning was obliterated…and in its place was a longing for more. Deeper. Harder. More passionate. Just…more.

Hannah’s phone vibrated at her side, jolting her from the delightful scene she was reading. It was almost midnight. Who the hell was contacting her via her business number? Whoever it was, they were wasting their time. It was midweek; she didn’t work midweek.

Are you available on Friday evening? Caroline.

Hannah’s mind spun. She didn’t know any other Caroline’s, and it surely couldn’t be a new one. She read over the message once more, exhaling a breath.

I am. 7 pm?

Hannah didn’t want to be purely business to this woman, but if it was all she was entitled to, she would take it. Caroline had not only reminded Hannah of what could be, but she’d also helped her to forget she was an escort several times last Friday.

Can I book you?

Hannah knew Caroline had struggled to ask that. If she closed her eyes, she could see Caroline trembling as she wrote out the message.

Sure. I’d love to see you again. Did you have anything in mind?

Hannah watched as her response sat above a read receipt. This evening, she was happy that Caroline wanted to see her again. After the way they’d left things on Friday night, Hannah had wanted to reach out repeatedly. Caroline had fled, and though they’d bumped into one another the following day, it hadn’t quite settled her.

Dinner? I’m not sure what else you enjoy. But I thought maybe something quiet and intimate. Something…ordinary.

Dinner would be great. I prefer quiet and intimate over anything else.

Hannah meant that. While she’d enjoyed dancing with Caroline, those smooth hips beneath her hands, Hannah preferred to be in a quiet setting where she could get to know someone better. Client or not, she always took an interest in people.

I’m not sure if you’re familiar with it, but Fernando’s in the city is really good. I’d love to meet there if that works for you.

Hannah smiled. Caroline wasn’t demanding in the slightest. She loved that. It was refreshing, considering how she was treated by some of her other clients. Caroline wanted Hannah’s input. It meant a lot.

Fernando’s. 7 pm. I’m looking forward to it.

See you Friday!

Hannah lowered her phone, her lips curling into a smile as she lay quietly, taking stock of what had just happened. Caroline had contacted her direct. Caroline wanted to see her again. God, Caroline was potentially going to make Hannah’s entire weekend.

But then Hannah lifted her phone again, bringing up the message thread. Lost in her own thoughts, she’d forgotten to ask Caroline how long the booking would last. Hannah wished it would last all night, but it was her job and if Caroline only wanted to have dinner and call it a night, she would keep her bookings open for another potential client.

How long do you want to book for?

Hannah hated being so formal, so…distant. But work was work. Caroline had made it clear that nothing else was possible between them.

How long are you available for?

Oh, wow. Could this mean that Hannah would have Caroline to herselfallevening? The possibility alone had her body buzzing.

I don’t have any other clients after you…yet.

Three dots.

And then her phone buzzed again.

Can I book the entire evening with you?

Hannah exhaled a long shaky breath. She didn’t want to seem eager, it was ridiculous to pine after a client, but Caroline made Hannah smile more than any other woman had in some time. Considering they’d only spent a few hours together so far, that spoke volumes.

Of course. See you Friday.

Tags: Melissa Tereze Romance