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“That sounds amazing,” I said as I turned and whistled for Rus to come.


THE EVENING HAD been perfect, and I didn’t want it to end. As I carried Liliana into the house and up the stairs to her room, I realized my little girl was falling asleep.

“Come on, princess, let’s get you in your jammies and into bed.”

Rus bounded up the steps ahead of me, causing me to smile. He waited at the top, unsure of where I was taking his new best friend.

As I walked into Liliana’s room, Rus and Truitt followed me in.

“What can I do to help?” Truitt asked.

I pointed to the bookshelves as I grabbed Liliana’s PJs. “Pick out a book, and I’m going to get her teeth brushed.”

Truitt nodded and walked over to search for a book to read.

As I walked into the bathroom my mother and I had painted pink with white strips, Liliana giggled.

“What’s so funny?” I asked as I sat her on the counter and began to take off her clothes and slip on her pajamas.

“Twuitt. He twipped and fell.”

I smiled. Truitt had been playing fetch with Rus and had been running to chase the dog when he tripped over an exposed branch and did a pretty darn impressive tumble roll.

“That was sort of funny. I’m glad he didn’t get hurt, though.”

My daughter nodded.

“Do you like Truitt?”

She nodded again.

“I like him, too.”

Liliana smiled.

“How would you feel if Mommy dated Truitt and he came over for dinner more?”

“Yes, pwease! Wus, too?”

I chuckled. “Yes. Rus, too.”

Liliana clapped. “Will Twuitt wead to me tonight?”

“I’m sure he will if you ask him to.”


We brushed her teeth and were soon back in her room. Liliana ran over to Truitt and threw herself into his arms.

“Wead to me, Twuitt! Pwease!”

He glanced my way and I nodded. “She would really love for you to read to her if you don’t mind.”

“Mind? Are you kidding me? I picked out my most favorite book ever.”

Liliana’s eyes grew wide with excitement. “Show me!”

Truitt held up Bears in the Night.

Liliana jumped in delight and flew up onto her bed. Rus did the same. Truitt turned to look at me to silently ask if it was okay his dog had made himself right at home. I nodded and sat down in the chair across from the bed. Truitt helped Liliana under her covers and sat down on the bed. When I watched Liliana snuggle into his side, my heart melted on the spot.

Her own father had never read her a book once, and to see her take to Truitt like this both thrilled me and, of course, worried me. What if things didn’t work out between us? Her little heart would be broken once again, and this time I feared even more, since she was clearly taken with Truitt and now Rus. The dog had laid across the bottom of Liliana’s bed and was resting his head on her leg as Truitt started the story.

As I watched the three of them, my heart pounded so loudly I was positive it filled the room. Truitt fell into the story quickly, and I couldn’t help but wonder if his own father had read stories like this to him. He was a natural with Liliana. It was painfully clear to me this man would make an amazing father.

Did he want to be a father? Did he truly want an instant family? He seemed like he did, he had said he did. Even Rus seemed to be settled into the idea of it. My stomach dipped as I watched my daughter look at the book and glance up to Truitt as he made his voice change while he read. Then she smiled at him, a smile I had never seen before. When Truitt smiled back down at her, my heart cracked wide open.

Oh, no.

No. No. No. No.

It wasn’t possible. There was no way I was falling in love with this man already. Maybe a part of me had always been in love with him, and that was why it felt so right. So amazingly perfect.

Don’t be silly, Saryn, it was a crush. That was all. A crush.

Yet, I had been almost devastated that day he walked away from me. It was honestly the first and only time in my life my heart had broken. Not even when I found out Tim had cheated on me had my heart hurt like it did that day.

Liliana laughed and broke me from my thoughts. I glanced over to the bed and couldn’t help but smile.

I needed to be careful with Truitt Carter. He held the power to break my heart into a million pieces—and my daughter’s, too.

His eyes lifted and met mine, and I felt the air in the room change. Something intense, yet beautiful, crackled between us. We both smiled, and I saw it in his eyes.

Tags: Kelly Elliott Southern Bride Romance